‘Preacher’ episode 7 review: The destruction of Jesse and Tulip

Tulip -Revelations were present all across Sunday night’s new episode of “Preacher,” and as a result of that we can say with some confidence that this show will be very different for the remainder of the season.

For one, there’s the whole nature of Quincannon and his crew getting set to wreck Jesse’s church, and that battle heating up in a way that it never has before. Or, how about considering Jesse being a completely horrible person both to Tulip and Emily? He was furious at Tulip over what she knew about Cassidy and didn’t say … and then just was mad at Emily just because, even though she was kind to him and believed in him.

What was particularly interesting about Jesse’s story this week is that thanks to his past, he really should’ve known the power of his words. His wish as a child to have his father taken from him, something done out of anger over him wanting to send Tulip away, actually seemed to come true. We already saw him ship Eugene to hell, and by the episode’s end, he was doing what he could in order to figure out how to bring the kid back.

Is this growth for Custer, or at least a realization that he’s doing wrong things? The larger question here is whether or not he really cares. For a preacher, the man is awfully detached, and Dominic Cooper does a tremendous job with that.

In terms of reveals, we’d wager that this was the best “Preacher” of the season. It gave us twists, and above all else the best cliffhanger we’ve seen to date. Grade: B+.

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