‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: Live Head of Household #2 Competition updates!
Tonight’s “Big Brother 18” Head of Household Competition is upon us! This one is going to be interesting since we’re continuing along the team theme, and therefore it’s possible that someone, if they get the opportunity, could sabotage the other people taking part. It’s not really endurance per se, but it is close enough for us to have an update article online like this one.
Therefore, be sure to check back over the course of the night for some further updates! We’ll post the winner here as soon as it is announced. Remember that when the show was over, Natalie had already fallen off the log and left her team at a bit of a disadvantage. As of right now, the likely people in danger are Bronte and Victor, and they may know it given Jozea’s eviction from the game tonight.
7:05 – Still waiting for Big Jeff (who just made a weird face at us) to go away on the feeds.
7:12 – This is not how we wanted to see Glenn back! (Jeff is interviewing him.)
7:17 – We create these articles with the expectation that CBS will show us the competition, given that this is what they almost always do. After all, we do pay for the feeds, right?
7:49 – We’re back! Unfortunately, the competition is over, and Paulie is the new Head of Household! Category 4 won the competition, and this is going to be interesting over the course of the coming days. Remember here that he is not technically in the 8 Pack, but many of the newbies also voted against him.
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