‘Penny Dreadful’ season 3 finale video: The Ethan – Dracula confrontation you’ve been waiting for

At this particular point in time, it feels easy to identify Dracula as the primary villain of “Penny Dreadful” this season, at least in terms of being the guy who everyone hates, and therefore the person everyone wants to see either Ethan, Vanessa, or the two of them together take down.

While we don’t know whether or not this is going to happen for certain just yet, we can at least say based on the sneak peek below that Ethan and Dracula are going to have a meeting … but it doesn’t quite go well for Josh Hartnett’s character, given that Dracula basically does everything in his power in order to convince him from not getting anywhere close to Vanessa, or causing a problem for him in any way. He clams that he can see that Ethan loves her just by looking into his eyes … but he really doesn’t care. Heck, he goes ahead and gives it a variation of “not my problem” before the scene comes to a close.

Is Ethan being widely underestimated by a certain vampire here? Absolutely, but hey, that’s part of the fun of the show! Dracula is going to have a chance to figure that out, and you have to imagine here that the end result is going to be a little bit disastrous and then some.

Let’s just hope that this is not the only scene that we get between these two characters Sunday. There are two hours in the finale, so we at least know that there is a lot of time.

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