‘The Bachelorette’ spoilers: Jordan Rodgers bears witness to one terrible toast

Jordan -Who doesn’t love a toast on “The Bachelorette“? It is something we tend to see quite a lot of when it comes to this show, and we like to think that the vast majority of them go better at least than the one that we have in the video below.

Basically, this sneak peek can really be described as “Chad being Chad,” given that Jordan Rodgers and several other guys bear witness to one of the most bizarre, uncomfortable toasts we’ve ever seen as Chad Johnson basically plants a giant reminder in their faces that he thinks that he is a billion times better than him. This of course means nothing, since his perception mostly just seems to equate to him living in his own little world. Yet, there’s still no denying that the guy is incredibly confident, really to the point that it makes you wonder why he doesn’t see that acting this way in front of some of the guys could be a bad idea when it so obviously is! It’s going to upset them significantly, and more than that, it’s going to make him a target.

While we don’t want to give too much away just yet on that subject, let’s just say that by the end of Monday’s episode, Jordan and many of the other guys could be targeting Chad when it comes to a few elements of his behavior, which cause him to put his own foot in his mouth in a rather big way.

How much mileage is the show going to get out of this guy? We feel like we’re going to get an answer to that rather quickly.

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