‘Arrested Development’ season 5 plans still in place — it’s just a matter of time
While you’ve likely heard that people associated with “Arrested Development” want to continue doing the show, there’s still a rather frustrating part of this equation, at least in that there is no precise word that it is happening anytime soon.
This very bit of news was affirmed recently in a an interview show creator Mitch Hurwitz gave to Esquire, one where he made it clear, once more, that the cast and Netflix are all invested in making more of the show. Unfortunately, it’ll probably 2017 based on the timeline he lays out. He also drops in here a little bit of news regarding a new version of the fourth season that will help to make it a little bit easier for them to come to television:
“It’ll happen. It’ll definitely happen. Not before the election, but it’s definitely going to happen. I say that because the actors want to do it, the studio wants to do it, Netflix wants to do it, I want to do it. It’s just making it happen. There’s no one resisting. There’s a recut, too, of the fourth season, just to make it airable on TV. They’re like the old Arrested Developments. We redid all the narration and reshot a few little things. Now we have 22 episodes, and they’re delightful to watch and they’re much less work than the Netflix series. My hope is we’ll find a place to air those.”
Ultimately, we have to imagine that someone will pick them up. We know that season 4 was not necessarily as strong as the ones that came before it, but it’s still an excellent show! Season 4 is to us still funnier than a good 95% of other shows out there.