‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 8 not necessarily the last, insists CW head

tvd -Are we getting near the end of the road for “The Vampire Diaries” on The CW? That really just depends on who you ask the question to, based on some of what we’re hearing today at the network’s official upfront presentation.

Basically, the word around network programming head Mark Pedowitz is that he doesn’t necessarily envision season 8 as the end of the show, though we know already that Kat Graham plans to leave the show; meanwhile, it is certainly also possible that we could end up seeing some other cast members go, as well, given that many contracts are going to be expiring.

Ultimately, Pedowitz has been known to never really commit to a show ending until its fate has been firmly decided, so there really is not anything that surprising about what he says here on the subject. The more interesting part of this may just be what it would take for the show to have a season 9. For us, the most important thing would be getting ratings that are at least close to season 7 when it returns in the fall. It’s not the titan it once was, and on Friday night there is a much smaller pool of viewers to begin with.

While there was no official premiere date unveiled today at the upfronts, we are projecting for the time being that we’ll get a chance to see Damon, Stefan, and the rest of the gang once more in October. Doesn’t that seem to be the pattern?

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