‘The Bachelorette’ spotlight: Will JoJo Fletcher suitor James Fuertes fight to the finish?
There are a few things that we admittedly do like right away about James Fuertes as a contender on “The Bachelorette” this season. For one, we actually like the shirt! He feels like a real man rather than just another male model … or at least we thought that until we heard about his “acting dreams” in the bio, which makes us ponder the whole “right reasons” question. Luckily, he does have some other stuff going for him
Does any of this mean that JoJo Fletcher is going to pick up? Probably far from it, but we’ll get more to that below.
Name – James Fuertes
Age – 34
Occupation – Boxing club owner. Hey, he’s clearly got an established job, and it’s something inherently fascinating. Isn’t that better than most? It would be if we didn’t get the impression he’s at least moderately fame-crazy.
Location – Nashville, Tennessee. He’s actually done some work apparently with Hayden Panettiere on another ABC show in “Nashville,” fittingly enough. Sadly, that show was canceled at the end of its current season.
Pros – He’s a hard worker, a motivator, and someone who knows how to get the job done. Running a boxing club is the sort of thing that takes a lot of discipline, and he does seem to like what he does based on what we can tell. He may also benefit from being one of the oldest guys in that he actually has some experience and won’t be a total “bro” most of the time.
Cons – Still, it’s possible JoJo wants someone closer to her own age; or, that she just doesn’t really enjoying hearing about boxing stories. More than that, it seems like this is someone who always aspires higher, and we just wonder if he’s going to be able to focus on this competition with the cameras and the chance to be a big character and on the show.
Most likely to… Bring boxing globes for JoJo on the first night.
Final assessment – We don’t really have a great read on this particular James, mostly because we honestly viewed him one way until we started diving into his bio and realizing that he’s really the same fitness / modeling / acting type as many other people. He’s just from a different part of the country and his older. We don’t see him having a huge life on the show this season.
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