‘Madam Secretary’ season 2 finale preview: Could Elizabeth lose her job?
The season finale of “Madam Secretary” is set to air on CBS Sunday night, and we already have to admit that we’re somewhat surprised that the network has not promoted this episode more than they have. It is entitled “Vartius,” which is a rather interesting name in itself since it will raise eyebrows the moment that you see it.
In terms of story, there is one key question that is certainly worth asking based on the promo below, coupled with all of the buzz that is out there about the show: Is it possible that Elizabeth McCord could lose her position as Secretary of State? It’s a question that is clearly being thrown around as a cause for concern, and for good reason. Just remember the title of the show! If Elizabeth is not the Secretary of State, what in the world does that mean? What is she going to do instead?
We just can’t imagine the show actually removing her from her post, given that if they do, President Dalton has to figure out a way to reappoint her. The more that they do this, the more complicated the show would become, and the harder it would be to believe. In real life if there as a President making such a powerful position into a game of musical chairs, you have to think that this would lead to some significant problems for them. Therefore, Dalton will have to think long and hard about this decision.
We’ll be back tonight as a means to further ponder over the future of the show. Stay tuned!
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