‘Game of Thrones’ season 7 official; ‘Silicon Valley,’ ‘Veep’ also renewed

LogoThis news may not surprise almost anyone out there, but it still merits some reporting. Today, HBO confirmed that “Game of Thrones,” “Silicon Valley,” and “Veep” have all bee renewed for additional seasons leading up to the trio’s big return to TV on Sunday night.

Let’s start here with “Game of Thrones,” given that this is clearly the one show that has the biggest impact on widespread culture. While we now know for sure that we are getting a season 7, the biggest question still remains regarding how many episodes it will be. We’ve heard already talk of there only being 13 more episodes left in the series after this season, and that those could be broken up across two separate seasons. Maybe that happens.

Either way, we do applaud HBO if they do let this show go out per the wishes of creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss rather than driving it into the ground. Sure, seven or eight seasons is far from a short run on TV, but given that this show only airs at most ten episodes a year, it still feels relatively short.

Meanwhile, “Silicon Valley’s” renewal will grant it a fourth season, where it will hopefully continue to be as wacky and zany as it has been so far. This is a show that has done an excellent job of standing out even in a crowded field of comedies, and is innovative in a way few of them are.

Finally, “Veep’s” renewal ensures that it will run until at least season 6, which leads us to wonder just how much more show in the tank it has. It’s still brilliantly funny, but if there’s one thing that we know about being President or Vice-President, it’s that it is a temporary gig.

Congratulations to all the shows! You can also sign up here to get some further TV news via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: HBO.)

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