‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Tim is … nervous?

Tim -

Today has definitely been more interesting than most recently when it comes to “Big Brother Canada” and the live feeds, with there being one simple reason: Maddy’s last-ditch house meeting, where she tried to call out Tim for being the “ultimate pawn” and for telling everyone effectively what they wanted to hear most of the time.

Luckily for him, the pitch really did not make any impact on who was leaving this week, but it did actually a cause a few issues for Tim as he spent a lot of time trying to talk down Cassandra, who was upset about him talking to people about things they discussed and so one. Eventually he won her back over, but this is the first time this season we’ve really seen him sweat. He’s realized now that the brothers were actually targeting him to a certain extent, and that he really was in some trouble this week despite volunteering to be pawn.

With that, it’s clear now that he wants the brothers out next, and beyond that Joel and (supposedly) Nikki are next on the list. he tells people the latter, but we still think he could just be trying to minimize her importance to his game. Also, he knows that Cass wants her out, and he needs Cass right now in order to ensure that he sticks around for a little while.

Suffice it to say, the next Head of Household will be a huge one, but we’re not sure it favors him much. We wouldn’t be shocked if it is endurance given that we have not seen that in a while, and the majority of his allies are people with little to no experience winning these.

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