‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: Jared whines; Phil & Nick scramble
In the wake of Nick and Phil’s Head of Household “win” on “Big Brother Canada” Thursday night (which came about as a result of luck), most of Sunday night’s episode was a little bit strange. There was a lot of whining about the guys getting the title by chance, while at the same time the brothers had no clue what they were going to do.
Was any of this entertaining? We’d argue that the Canada trivia segment was fun, while at the same time the final few minutes of the scramble proved to be entertaining, as well. The problem here is that for some reason, the Canada show doesn’t really like to show people being bad players as much as the American version does, which is a shame because Nick and Phil were genuinely awful for most of their deliberations, going back and forth on what they wanted and struggling to really determine the right move for their present, their future, or anything in between. They were a hot mess and then some!
Another problem with this episode, aside from the Have / Have-Not Competition that proved to be rather uninteresting other than the setup, was just poor timing. With much of the conversation this weekend on the live feeds being about a surprise decision with huge consequences (we don’t really want to say much here, but you can click on the tag below to find out more), we’re at a time where the show edit just can’t measure up to what is actually happening in the house now.
In the end, we would say that whiny Jared is better than any other TV version of Jared, but this episode was as a whole a little ho-hum. Grade: C+.
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