‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: Who was evicted, and the Wildcard Head of Household (live updates)
It’s another “Big Brother Canada” eviction show, and you know what that means … A live review! We’re going to be updating this particular episode over the course of the night, and we’re rather excited since this is going to be a particularly interesting hour. We’ve got a Wildcard twist where the Canadian public has voted for two people to battle in a game of chance to become the new Head of Household. We’re feeling pretty confident Nikki is going to be one of them based on her popularity online, but what about the other? Time will tell…
After the Veto – Wait, what is this about Raul going to campaign? How dare he! We kid, since the idea of Raul trying to strategize is a little bit of a dumpster fire. He basically called Joel, Ramsey, and others “floaters” in a derogatory way, and he also angered his own allies in the process. The problem here is that he made zero inroads with anyone other than his alliance and Mitch, and he put Mitch ON THE BLOCK last week. Basically, it was clear that his you-know-what was grass.
Eviction – Raul left, and he had votes from everyone other than Tim to go home. No surprise here. Our biggest surprise was that Raul’s Have-Not punishment over eating Tim’s sandwich wasn’t shown! (At least Nikki mentioned him stealing the brownies.)
Head of Household – Ultimately, we think Nikki had the majority of the votes by such a landslide that Phil and Nick being in second place was probably only by a minuscule margin. Yet, they got in the luck-based roulette competition, and just on the basis of luck alone, they’re now in power. This should make for an interesting week. Episode Grade: B- (too much important stuff left out for meme generator).
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