‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Where the eviction stands (for now)

Big Brother -Is tonight the beginning of the jury phase on “Big Brother Canada“? We certainly hope so, especially since the numbers of it all would make sense. If Mitch leaves tonight, there would be a nine-person jury, and if he does stay that would mean that we’re probably not getting to the jury for another two votes.

As for if it is for certain that Mitch is leaving tonight, it does certainly seem that way. Despite admitting to Raul last night that he really is Mitch of ASAPScience, it has not really done too much to turn the tide. Instead, it’s just made Raul really upset that he is seeing his friend go home, given that he is responsible for it happening. We do feel pretty strongly like he may not have made the move to begin with had he known earlier, but it’s pretty clear now that this is late in the game. (We also don’t think that Mitch wanted to have a Frankie Grande moment in the house.)

The irony here at the moment is mostly that Tim seems to have figured out based on hints that Mitch has dropped that he’s a YouTuber, but didn’t seem that interested in blowing it up other than just suggesting it as a possibility for Cassandra. The main reason Tim is evicting Mitch at the moment is because he wants to be more involved in taking down the Jared / Kelsey / Raul trio, and feels like keeping him at this phase of the game is too risky.

In the end, we feel like this is the right move for Tim if he wants to improve his odds of winning the game. However, at the same time he may be improving his odds of going to jury sooner, since he is getting rid of a big target versus someone in Joel who comes across as non-threatening.

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