‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Up all night to get unlucky

Tim -

We spent so much time yesterday discussing the strategy portions of life in the “Big Brother Canada” house, at the same time we probably missed a few things in regards to the punishments-of-sorts that were handed out by Big Brother as a result of the complaint box … or maybe we should say “punishments.” Technically, they got what they wanted!

A few examples of this are that Nikki got some new scissors like she requested … only they were about the same size as her. Meanwhile, Cassandra wanted a little more TV time, and the show took that and decided that they would just put her on the TVs in the house for the majority of the day. Pretty funny. There were some other weird ones, as well: Joel spent yesterday in a “Backwards Man” unitard and had to walk backwards, while Tim and Nick were forced to stay up until sunrise for a task. We’re not sure of the connections here, so maybe they had something to do with the Veto and production just waited until feeds on them.

Anyhow, Tim’s punishment is the one that may have the most strategic implications when it comes to today. Just remember for a minute here that Mitch desperately needs both his vote and the vote of either Cassandra / the brothers to stay alive. If Tim is cranky (which he seems to be after this task), it’s going to be tough to reason with him for the time being.

Also, Tim probably just needs to chill today in general, given that he’s come out of his Head of Household week pretty clean and he doesn’t need to give anyone in the game a reason to go after him. For now, just keep the two sides fighting.

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