‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Mitch fights an uphill battle

Mitchell -We are going to give a heck of a lot of credit to Mitch for his performance in the “Big Brother Canada 4” house at the moment, especially when it comes to one key part of the equation: Just how much adversity he has battled in order to stay alive in the game. It’s a shame that it has not reaped any sort of long-term rewards for him this week.

In leaving the day, it seems as though the situation is the same as it once was. He has votes from Nikki, Maddy, and Ramsey to stay alive, while at the same time he needs two more votes from Jared, Kelsey, the brothers, Cassandra, or Tim. He can maybe get one, but two? Unlikely.

Nikki continued to push Tim hard to try to jump over with her to keep Mitch, but he continued to make one thing clear to her: There’s nothing he can do if nobody else will join him. Cassandra seems firmly entrenched with the Third Wheel this week, while the brothers see Mitch as a threat and have wanted to target him since before Kelsey even entered the house. They and Tim were the the only two players who were really talking about it.

Mitch has campaigned more tonight to Phil in hopes of sticking around, and while we don’t see much headway, there are two more days for him before we get around to the eviction show. Therefore, there is at least an opportunity for him to try to turn things around a little bit. He just needs a really smart plan to make it worth the other players’ while to keep him, knowing he is a huge threat.

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