‘Shameless’ season 6 finale reaction: Did Fiona actually marry Sean?
When it comes to “Shameless,” we are predisposed for the most part to expect something terrible to happen at almost every turn. That is why, despite being happy at first regarding the wedding of Fiona and Sean in the season finale, coupled with seeing the Gallagher clan all dressed up and ready to celebrate the big occasion (this isn’t Gus 2.0!), we were just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
…Then, Frank shows up. Of course, he cannot just leave well enough alone, and he decided to make his huge statement regarding his feelings towards Sean with an epic, horrible speech while everyone was all dressed up. He basically pulled a Frank (there’s no other way to describe it), and made everyone around him miserable since no Gallagher can ever find themselves in a better position than him.
Maybe there is some truth to Sean’s junkie habits, but you gotta think that there is a better way to make this admission than at a wedding of all places. So now Sean seems to be gone from the show (and off to help his son), everyone hates Frank, and this is about as sad an ending as you’re going to find to what has been in many ways a rather-sad season.
Speaking of sad, let’s also spend a minute talking about something else incredibly sad: Lip’s addiction. He is in some ways the character on the show with the most promise; yet, he is also the one currently sending much of it down the tubes. We really hope that he can finds some help, and we really don’t want to think that there is some automatic requirement that characters from this show have to be miserable. At least his professor took him to rehab … we just don’t know if he went in just yet.
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