‘The Amazing Race 28’ episode 7 preview: Dancing the leg away in Georgia
For those of you who remain excited about this season of “The Amazing Race,” there’s another reason to be after seeing the preview for the next all-new episode of the show.
First and foremost, there is certainly a reason to celebrate when it comes to the location: Georgia! (The country, not the state.) Much like Armenia, this is a country that is very new to the show, and it’s a chance for us to see some new locales and experience something different. It’s no offense to places like India or Germany, but we’re already very familiar with them as locales.
As for what is going to happen here, it looks first and foremost like a tough Roadblock is going to overwhelm some of the teams. We see particular Korey of team Tyler & Korey struggle with the inevitable dance challenge that we see almost every season; in other words, this is the one that Dana & Matt (who have been firmly in the middle of the pack) should really excel at.
All of the teams from tonight’s episode are still in the running, and that has to be great news especially for Sheri & Cole, who are going to be able to stick around. Can they come back? We think it’s possible. While they’ve never been dominant, we saw tonight until the Roadblock a team that can be smart when it comes to having good observational skills and picking the right Detour for their skill set. If they continue to use these traits and other teams stumble, there is a chance that they could get right back in the running.
For those of you who do want to see more from tonight’s “Amazing Race” episode, be sure to head over to the link here right away! Also, sign up over here to secure some more TV news on almost everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)