‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Who won the week 5 Power of Veto?

Ramsey -While there has been some major drama from time to time when it comes to the Power of Veto on “Big Brother Canada” this season, there really wasn’t a whole lot of that this weekend. Dallas and Ramsey entered the Veto both up for eviction, and with Maddy not playing, it didn’t really look like there was a scenario where anyone would use it unless they really wanted to get Maddy on the block.

That’s the other thing: Maddy is the easy replacement-nominee pick for Head of Household Tim. He’s not really going through with the idea of letting the Veto winner pick the replacement nominee, and he’ll justify her by saying that she had the third-most votes in the initial poll that he took.

So who ended up winning the Veto? It turned out to be none other than … Ramsey! Yep, think of this as that rare time in which we’re not intentionally misleading you with the picture. It was apparently a fairly physical competition, and given that Ramsey has that ability, we’re not altogether shocked that he won.

As for where we see the rest of the week going now, it’s looking more and more like Maddy could actually be evicted if she goes on the block (which is likely). There are quite a few people who flat-out just don’t care for her, and this makes her an extremely easy target. Dallas may not be a great player and has some enemies, but he has inspired some sense of loyalty from those around him.

We’ll close with this: The only thing crazier than the fact that a woman has gone home every eviction so far is that it hasn’t been pre-planned at all.

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