‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: What are Tim and Nikki are up to now?
As we move further into this week on “Big Brother Canada,” it is starting to feel at least marginally more clear as to what the houseguests are going to want to do for Thursday’s eviction … or at least the part of that they are aware of right now.
During to a conversation between Tim, Cassandra, and Jared, we got some further information that as of right now, they seem to be the three most interested in keeping Kelsey in the game over Raul. For Tim in particular, this seems mostly like a strategic move. He wants Jared to think that he is on his side, and he can pull him over in the future. Cassandra’s close to Tim, so maybe these three can form some sort of new pact for the future. It seems like Mitch is ready to pick up Raul, so the cold war of sorts between Tim and Mitch, arguably two of the better players, continues.
Granted, Tim’s also got some ideas that are really far out there. In a chat with Nikki (who is not on his side at the moment when it comes to the vote), he made it clear that if he won Head of Household he’d just have everyone state who they wanted to put up publicly. It’s a little bit diabolical, but also hilarious and it’d make for compelling television. It also seems like a really easy way to get everyone mad in the process.
Also tonight, we heard stories from Ramsey about a jealous Nick following his “breakup” with Maddy. That whole situation is so absurd, especially with her having a boyfriend, and we don’t know where to go with it.
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