‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Mitch’s efforts and a quiet time
We are getting a little bit closer now to the “Big Brother Canada” eviction show Thursday, but we still would say that the vote is not 100% decided between the two nominees.
What we would say right now, though, is that Mitch is probably going to win out in getting what he wants in Kelsey evicted, at least based on our read. He is one of the few people who has been really pushing for one person over the other, and seems to recognize the Raul is someone who could work with him in the future. He’s giving himself options, especially if Joel ends up getting closer to Loveita over time. It’s smart on his part, but we’re not too shocked since Mitch has been playing a super-smart game here from the beginning.
Entertainment-wise, it is pretty clear to us that Kelsey is the better option to stay. She may not always be likable, but she does bring a lot of drama to the table in between her aggressive style and harsh feelings towards Maddy. We did learn tonight that there is a connection between Kelsey and Joel interestingly through her aunt, and she may have actually seen him in a play before. Add this to the fact that Joel and Cassandra knew each other before the season and also the bond between Allison and Kenny in season 2, and we have more reminders that Canada is a super-small world.
For now, though, there’s not too much gametalk this morning. We imagine that things will explode on Thursday due to the fake double-eviction, but will be quiet until then.
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