‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The saga of Maddy and Nick
Life in the “Big Brother Canada” house on Monday proved itself to be a hot mess and then some. Sure, the Veto Ceremony happened as expected, but the rest of the day has been nutty and then some.
Let’s begin with the most ridiculous part of the day, and that was seeing the end of the Maddy – Nick showmance for a variety of reasons. For one, Phil never liked it, and that made the two of them hiding around in secret extra hilarious. Also, Maddy apparently has a boyfriend … though we wonder how that is going after she spent plenty of time with someone else in the house.
Strategy-wise, we saw Mitch basically plant it further in Jared’s brain that it may be better to keep Raul in the game, and Jared seems to be fine with it. Also, Kelsey doesn’t really seem to be that interested in fighting for her spot, though apparently she needed to be cautioned about talking like she wanted to leave, since that is further incentive for people to try to keep him.
Some other highlights: Tim had a discussion about poop, some of the houseguests played a little bit of foursquare outside, and Dallas discussed a plan to plant some information with Loveita to figure out how quickly she starts to spread it. There have been some boring parts of the day, but there have also been been some entertaining ones, as well. We imagine that most of the rest of the week will be at least partially zany since no one knows for certain who is going to be going home yet.
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