‘Madam Secretary’ season 2, episode 18 preview: Elizabeth faces off with Jane Pauley
We certainly do know that brand synergy is something that is at the top of the CBS priority list at present, which is why we’re not even remotely surprised about what is coming up on the next new episode of “Madam Secretary“: Elizabeth McCord spending a little bit of time with Jane Pauley.
The synopsis below for “On the Clock” gives you a little bit of information not only about the CBS News reporter’s presence, but also the latest crisis that involves India and Pakistan trying to make a complicated arrangement:
“As Elizabeth holds peace talks between the prime ministers of India and Pakistan, a mysterious plane crash tied to both countries causes the three parties to reevaluate the deal. Also, in an attempt to help the NSA locate the terrorist Jibral Disah, Henry approaches a former teacher of one of Disah’s wives for information, and Elizabeth withstands a grueling interview with Jane Pauley.”
In the end, at least this is the sort of CBS cameo that makes sense, given that people like Elizabeth would do major interviews with network news outlets from time to time. Not only that, but seeing how she navigates these waters really does inform us of what sort of Secretary of State Elizabeth really is. There is a political game that comes with the position, given that you have to know what to say, and also when the right time is to say it. It’s something we are certainly looking forward to seeing the show explore further.
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