‘Big Brother Canada 4′ review: A Veto, Joel’s brother Mathieu Lefevre, and Dallas’ move

Joel -Tonight on “Big Brother Canada,” there was a lot of silliness, some product placement (of course), but also one of the more emotional stories that we’ve had a chance to hear over the course of really any season of the show.

We know that many people who have watched the live feeds knew about the story of Mathieu Lefevre, show viewers ended up hearing about it for the first time tonight. Joel’s brother was killed five years ago in an accident in New York City. He was an up-and-coming artist who was killed while riding his bicycle, and you can read more about his story be heading over to this link. Our heart goes out to him, and it makes us care for Joel even more.

There’s no real easy transition to the other events of the night, but there were some events that took place that are certainly worthy of discussion. For example, we saw over the course of the hour some more news regarding Loveita’s move, and then her insistence that she wanted Cassandra out. We don’t think it was right to target her by any means, but we don’t blame her for wanting to keep things the same after already putting herself out there.

In the end, Dallas won a competition that he had no business winning, we learned a little more about why the brothers are being targeted, and also that Christine isn’t even bothering to be nice to Loveita. Given she has watched the show as long as she has, we’re shocked that she is not a little more aware.

In the end, hearing Joel’s story was a moment we’ll remember, and it lifts what would have been otherwise a dull episode from an emotional perspective. Grade: B+.

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