‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Week 3 Veto Ceremony results

Dallas -The Power of Veto Ceremony happened fairly early on “Big Brother Canada” Monday morning, and the results are going to make for an interesting next few days.

First, let’s start with what we consider to be the boring part of the equation: Dallas opted to not use the Veto to remove either Christine or Cassandra from the block. We know that this was under strong consideration for a while, with him in particular pushing Loveita as Head of Household to send Jared out the door. However, he was not able to convince her, as she continues to try to build trust with that group including Jared, Raul, and Kelsey.

Dallas ultimately claimed that he was afraid that if he used the Veto, Loveita would nominate someone like Maddy who he was close to, and he couldn’t take that risk. Now, we’re set up for an interesting next few days between Cassandra and Christine. The former is undoubtedly a stronger player in our mind; she’s pushed a little hard at times, but she has some sort of competitive edge to her and understands strategy. Christine has done pretty much nothing. She’s an easier person to keep if you want to just have someone who sits around, but Cassandra has some better relationships in the house.

Right now, it’s a little too early to call who is going to go home, but we figure it will be an interesting next few days. Interestingly, it’s also possible that this could be a situation where Loveita’s pawn once again goes home and someone who is a target of hers remains.

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