‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: Was Loveita or Sharry evicted; who’s the new Head of Household?
On Thursday night’s new episode of “Big Brother Canada 4,” we started things off with a recap of some of the strategy before getting into some nonsense: Some OxiClean product placement, and then a large fight that spawned seemingly out of Raul drinking Nikki’s vodka. Raul praying with Ramsey was a nice moment, though it didn’t have the same impact on us that Kyle and Adel doing it did a couple of years ago.
In the end, let’s get to what matters here: The vote. Sharry was ultimately sent home in a near-unanimous vote, with Nikki being the only dissenting vote. We wish the show explained this better, since to us one of the real reasons for keeping her seemed to be that was a bigger target in subsequent weeks, especially when it comes to Kelsey and Jared. Also, we guess that Nikki’s vote stemmed from her and Tim splitting their votes, a move that they wanted to do for the sake of fairness.
The moment that Sharry got enough votes to go home, you knew it wasn’t ending well for her. (Also, someone needs to tell Dallas to stop calling Arisa Cox “Arisa the Rocket.” What was that?)
As for the next Head of Household, it is … Loveita! Hilarious. We figure that we’re not quite ready or worthy for a Tim – HoH reign just yet, but when it comes to getting some good drama out of the coming week, this is the best-case scenario. Loveita probably didn’t need to win given the person in second place, but we’re not complaining. The only real complaint that we have is that it took us almost half the show until we got something even remotely resembling strategy on the series. Can we put that in the complaint box? Come back tomorrow, since we’ll have our answers from our exit interview with Sharry.
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