‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: The Tim and Nikki hour continues
If we actually thought that Tim and Nikki on “Big Brother Canada” were anything less than incredibly entertaining players, we’d feel rather sad to see what happened on the latest new episode of the show. These two wildcards are proving to be just that in the house, but at the same time for us, they are luckily also being very entertaining and providing almost everything that we could possibly want and then some.
We suppose that it is only right to begin with the more predictable part of the night’s episode, and that was the reveal that Christine did not use her Power of Veto. Therefore, either Loveita or Sharry is going home this week. This really hasn’t been a big week for either player, or for even Jared as Head of Household. The truth is, there are a lot of Canadians this season that are somewhat dull, which is probably why Tim and Nikki are getting as much airtime as they are.
So far, Tim is easily the most dangerous of the two wildcards, and other than maybe Mitch, may be the most dangerous person in the game. Everyone likes him, and he’s getting by on the basis of his whole “I’m just having fun and stirring the pot” MO. What he’s really doing is playing with their heads, and providing an unstable element, a person who could call people out and make targets even when there are none. Just the fact that he was able to get Dallas to fart in a jar, and that Dallas thought that this would be a great idea, is surprising and entertaining in its own right.
The Power of Veto Competition itself was some obvious product placement for The Brick, so there wasn’t much to see there. As a whole, if there is one major weakness this season has so far it is in character development. We still don’t have a real sense of who everyone in the game is, or who they are aligned with. Some of that is probably due to Tim and Nikki, but how do you deprive us of their entertainment when they are clearly providing so much tremendous entertainment gold? Grade: B+.
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