‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The Four Aces
Clearly, some of the “Big Brother Canada” players this season are getting aboard the casino theme going on in the house. How else do you now explain some of the latest happenings when it comes to alliances?
Apparently, Jared, Kelsey, Raul, and Cassandra are all now a part of an alliance coined the Four Aces, which is really just giving a name to something that it was easy to assume was already there. Cassandra’s the fourth person in the group, and she’s malleable enough to go elsewhere. While she’s completely awful in competitions, we’re not as regretful of her as a winner pick as we were following the premiere episode.
It was a reasonably quiet night / morning in the house save for some silliness here and there … but also some speculation about the Jackpot sign that has been going off here and there in the house. We imagine that it is probably connected to some sort of secret room or twist, but it’s hard to say for sure what that is so far.
The other other thing that we can add of substance right now is that it is starting to appear more and more likely that Sharry will be the one to go on Wednesday. Jared and Kelsey seem to be the only two leaning more towards getting out Loveita, and even Kelsey has come around on that somewhat. Jared’s mostly just concerned that Loveita will come after him, but this just in: So would Sharry!
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