‘The X-Files’ season 10 finale: First details hint at Joel McHale’s return, larger conspiracy
While “The X-Files” is not necessarily telling a continuous story throughout this six-part miniseries, they are bookending both the start and end of it with “My Struggle.” The premiere had to cover a lot of ground to get Mulder and Scully back together again to conduct investigations, but by the time we get around to part II airing on February 22, they will be a little bit more settled in. Therefore, there’s less need for exposition, and more time for action.
Based on the newly-released synopsis from Fox, the return of Joel McHale to the series as Tad O’Malley is going to bring with it a variety of other problems. Not only that, but a very important face from the past will return:
“The investigations that Mulder and Scully previously began with conspiracy theorist and web-TV show host Tad O’Malley (guest star Joel McHale) seem to have awakened powerful enemies. A widespread panic begins as people all over the country suddenly start falling gravely ill, and Scully must look within to try and find a cure. Meanwhile, Mulder confronts the man whom he believes to be behind it all, but another figure from Mulder and Scully’s past may prove to be the key to their salvation.”
It may not be too hard for some of you out there to guess just who this person is, but it’s something that we’ll keep a secret in here for the time being just in case. We imagine that some of this particular story will be wrapped up, but there’ll probably be at least a little bit of a cliffhanger in here. What fun is this show without it? If we continue to see ratings that justify more episodes, why not build towards that actually happening?
Interested in previewing Monday night’s new “X-Files” episode “home Again”? Then be sure to head over here, and you can also sign up now to secure some other TV news on everything we cover, sent right to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Fox.)