‘Major Crimes’ season 4 spoilers: ‘Better Call Saul’ favorite poised to guest star

Major Crimes -

Just in case you’re curious to meet at least one of the new guest-stars for the upcoming “Major Crimes” five-part story that is beginning on “Major Crimes,” we’ve got some of that news for you now!

According to a report from TV Guide,  Julie Ann Emery is going to be coming aboard as Detective Stephanie Dunn, a woman who is brought in to Major Crimes to help on a case revolving an off-duty police officer that she first worked on twelve years prior. There is also a more personal angle to this story for Dunn, as well, as her husband, a bodyguard, was killed at one point during the trial alongside the prosecuting District Attorney.

Here is what executive producer James Duff had to say to the publication in regards to the hire:

“Shattered, Stephanie drank for a month, then transferred out of homicide to narcotics investigations, but, like Sanchez, she never got over the death of her spouse … Coaxed back into Major Crimes… Steph finds herself forced to relive the death of her husband while entertaining the possibility of joining Captain Raydor and her team as a full time member of her division.”

Emery is coming off of a great stint as Betsy Kettleman on “Better Call Saul” season 1, and she was also a part of the first season of “Fargo” in the role of Ida Thurman. Basically, she’s gotten a chance to do a lot of great TV over the past couple of years. She also appeared on a personal favorite in “Suits” many years ago.

If you want to get some other news in regards to “Major Crimes” and the upcoming story, be sure to head over to the link here right away! Also, you can sign up over here in the event you want some other TV news on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: TNT.)

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