‘Shameless’ season 6 reaction: Show boss on Fiona and Sean

Shameless -

Are Fiona and Sean destined for heartbreak on “Shameless” this season? The simple answer to that is that romance has not exactly gone well for her so far, and there is far from any guarantee that things are going to suddenly turn around and change for her in the future. She fell so quickly in love with Gus and the two took their relationship to new heights faster than you can really blink an eye … and that now has us in a place where we question everything that happens with her.

With that being said, executive producer Nancy Piemental tells TVLine that there are differences between the Fiona / Gus pairing and this one, and these may be the differences that allow it to succeed on some level, and in ways where the other one failed:

“This relationship isn’t as impulsive. Gus got swept away with Fiona, so she got swept away with him. I don’t think Sean allows that to really happen with her. He has other priorities, like his son and his sobriety, so he’s not going to just let them each get swept away. The relationship is more mature, more thoughtful.”

Of course, that still does not mean that it will work in the end. We assume that many more challenges will come their way this season; Fiona already has one of them in trying to handle Debbie, whose story is probably going to accelerate the rest of the way moving forward this season. Our main hope is that we’re entertained; so long as that happens, we will be satisfied in the end.

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