‘The Blacklist’ fall finale reaction: How will Red try to get Liz back?
The end of the fall finale of “The Blacklist” presented something that we would certainly consider to be a very major change in the story: After spending all season on the run with Reddington, Elizabeth Keen has not been taken in to custody. Based on where she’s staying in the preview, it may also be fair to say that they have busted out the old FBI cell previously given to Red for her to stay in. The bureau may think that they can protect her, but we know that 90% of the time on these shows the cops are terrible and the plan will be screwed up.
So what can James Spader’s character really do to get her back? This is something that creator Jon Bokenkamp did his part to tease in a postmortem to Entertainment Weekly following the events of the finale:
“He’s got a great plan that people are really going to dig seeing how all this comes together. The next two episodes are [about] the Director (David Strathairn). It’s a two-parter. His plan is less about just her safety, and more about leveling the playing field. What the audience is going to see is we’ve been laying in these breadcrumbs over the past eight episodes, everything from hits against The Cabal to the plan with Marvin Gerard (Fisher Stevens) in the second episode. It’s a very complex, and yet simple plan that he’s been hatching since the end of season 2, quite frankly.”
Therefore, know that Red is not going to sit idly by while Liz, who has basically become his partner-of-sorts in all things, is inside of a cell. Sure, we don’t quite understand precisely what their relationship is, but any long sequences that go by without scenes of the two of them together is a bummer.
(Photo: NBC.)