‘Arrow’ season 4 spoilers: How will Damien Darhk react to Oliver Queen as Mayor?

Damien -While Oliver Queen may not have many advantages at the moment over Damien Darhk, there is one thing that we do very much believe the character still has in his back pocket: The knowledge that he is in fact the Arrow! This is something that the maniacal villain has yet to figure out, and that makes part of the story moving into season 4 of “Arrow” all the more interesting.

Take, for example, with the story revolving around Stephen Amell’s character running for Mayor. At first, executive producer Wendy Mericle tells TVLine that Darhk is going to be fine with Oliver running, mostly “because he thinks he can use him as his pawn. We then find out rather quickly that [this] pawn is not for sale, which certainly sets [Damien] off and makes [him] do some really horribly, dark things.”

What we know about Darhk is this: He likes to be able to tell people what to do, and relishes the role of the puppetmaster. Any chance that he can to dictate people into doing his budding is something that he is going to celebrate.

We actually hope that eventually, we do see Damien snap in a big way and do something that further jeopardizes the lives of Oliver and his team. As much as we love Neal McDonough and his performance so far this season, Team Arrow has mostly been unscathed so far in their battles against him. Obviously, Diggle has some baggage from the past to deal with thanks to what happened to his brother, but we’re talking more about events in the past that Darhk needs to execute.

If you do want to get some other news right now on Diggle’s brother and “Arrow,” we suggest that you just head over here to get some other news when it comes to Wednesday’s new episode! Also, sign up over here to score some other TV news one everything we cover, sent right to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)

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