Prepare for ‘The Blacklist’ season 3 with our season 2 Blu-Ray / soundtrack contest!

The Blacklist logo any seasonUpdate: The contest is now closed. Thanks everyone who entered!

“The Blacklist” is set to premiere on NBC come Thursday, October 1 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern (8:00 Central), and we would certainly understand if you are more than a little bit excited. We’re right there with you.

As a way to help celebrate the show returning, we’re pleased to be partnering up to help give a CarterMatt reader a fun prize pack for the show consisting of a copy of “The Blacklist” season 2 on Blu-Ray along with one CD copy of “The Blacklist: Music From The Television Series.” Basically, it’s a way to take the music of Liz and Red with you anywhere you want to go.

For this contest, we want to try to put you in the position of Liz Keen for a minute. You are out on the run with Reddington, trying to figure out your next move after it is clear that the FBI is tracking your every move. Where do you go? What do you do? It’s almost a game of international hide and seek with one of the most entertaining and notorious men on the planet!

Here’s what you can do to win the contest: Write to us at [email protected] explaining where you would hide with Reddington and why. Make it creative and make it fun! (Don’t get too dark or serious; you’re not really hiding from the FBI.) We’ll choose the person we feel like gave the most interesting response, and the winner will be announced on the morning of the show’s premiere on October 1.

Contest fine print – This contest is available to U.S. residents only. After a winner is chosen, we will contact you requesting your name and mailing address; if we do not receive a response within 48 hours, we will move on to whoever we deem as the runner-up and they will be eligible for the prize. As per our site policy, your name and personal information will never be shared or sold to a third party. NBC is responsible for the fulfillment of the prize, so after the winner’s name and mailing address is received, we will forward that information to them. At that point, any further questions regarding the delivery of the prize will be passed along to them.

(Photo: NBC.)

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