‘The Blacklist’ season 3 spoilers: Dembe scoop!
For those who have become devoted fans of “The Blacklist” over the years, Dembe is one of those fan-favorite characters you always want to see and know more about. He’s the strong, silent type, and as a result of that he is not one to reveal much information other than his close ties to Reddington.
Is that going to change at some point in the upcoming third season? It definitely seems that way, and not necessarily because he is going to be open to sharing. Instead, it is more of a result of the aftermath of what happened to the Cabal on the show’s second second. We are going to meet someone with ties to the group in Mr. Solomon, and as executive producer Jon Bokenkamp tells Entertainment Weekly in a new interview, this mystery man could cause some serious problems for Dembe as he looks to find some new ways to hurt Red and those who are close to him:
“[Solomon is] a fixer for The Cabal and he’s ruthless. He’s really good at making things personal … We’re actually going to realize Dembe’s not this lone wolf, that he has family outside the surrogate father that is Red.”
Given that Dembe is poised to become a more prominent character in general during season 3, we imagine that we are going to have more layers unveiled for him soon enough. We just have to wait to see what some of these layers be, and how they play into the overall story.
(Photo: NBC.)