‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Vanessa pulls a Vanessa after latest competition
Here’s the thing: Vanessa is a very good player. She has managed to use everything from reverse psychology to intimidation on “Big Brother” to get what she wants. She’s not perfect and hasn’t been able to control people like Derrick, but in some ways she is the player many of us have been begging to see: A dominant female strategist who is playing this game hard from start to finish.
So why is it hard for some fans to get on board? We feel like it’s mostly the frustration out of seeing the same sort of thing again and again play out with almost no different result. Take, for example, after the first part of the Head of Household Competition last night. Vanessa did her whole “my word is good” routine on Liz last night, saying that she had her back the entire game, keeping the twins was one of the smartest things she ever did, and a variety of other babble. The interesting thing is that we don’t think Liz believes any of this, but it’s still working just because Vanessa has done a good job of positioning. There’s almost no way Liz would want to take Steve to the final two, even though she has a better chance against him.
We hope that the second part of the HoH Competition takes place at some point soon, if for no other reason than that this at least sets up the epic showdown for part three. We hope that Steve wins part two, and it is no slight against Liz. We’re just on the side of creating good TV, and if Liz wins there’s probably no drama in the final part.
Luckily, it works for Steve that the second HoH usually is memory-based, and while there is sometimes an athletic component to it, we’re talking along the lines of just running around. He should be fine.
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