‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: The outage ahead and what we know now
Just when you thought that the outage on the “Big Brother” live feeds was terrible when it first happened over the course of the weekend, be warned: There is another big one coming sooner rather than later.
Specifically, the show has put up a notice online saying that there is not going to be feeds for most of the day tomorrow. As a matter of fact, they will be down from 9:00 a.m. Monday morning (Big Brother Time) until after the show is over on Tuesday. It says 9:00 p.m., so unless something changes we’re going to assume they will be down until after the show finishes airing on the West Coast. Obviously, that is a bummer to those who wanted to spend the start of this week watching feeds, but this is how things are more or less every season around this time. They tape the Tuesday show on Monday, and then prepare everything else for the Wednesday show.
Come Tuesday night, you should know who won the final four Head of Household at the very least, and it’ll be up to the Veto winner to determine what happens at the final four, unless the Head of Household has it. In this case, they decide everything.
In case you are wondering the latest state of things on the feeds, it still looks like Steve is probably going to be evicted next unless Vanessa changes her mind. John is getting Steve to fight for his life, and trying to use him to sell that the Rockstars are not really that close. That’s one of their only plays to look more valuable to keep than Austin and Liz.
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