‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: The early targets and plenty of paranoia
While not everyone may like Vanessa as a “Big Brother” player, we will say this: You know that you are going to get some craziness anytime that she is in a position of power.
So with her as Head of Household this week, she is starting to plot out her moves, and based on what she is telling Austin and Liz, it seems as though she is considering at this point putting up either Liz and Johnny Mac or Steve and Johnny Mac. Granted, we haven’t seen John or Steve really have that much of a lengthy conversation with her just yet, and maybe they will sway her mind somewhat.
While we like John and Steve really better than anyone else left in the game, we do have to put some blame on them at the moment for one thing above all else: They are not fighting very hard right now. Much like Meg and James, they are sitting back and thinking that they are in okay position. John really should know better, given that he was already evicted once, and Vanessa has been with Austin and Liz since early in the game. Austin is making huge promises to her, and while he’s probably not going to keep them, he’s doing what he can to save himself.
It seems like the players have been given some sort of indication at some point that the Veto could be tomorrow and nominations are coming early, which is probably the result both of an outside-the-house trip that was in the HoH and also having a shorter week with an eviction show airing on Tuesday that will be pre-taped.
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