‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Vanessa crafts a list of demands
We know that Vanessa can be quite the demanding person in the “Big Brother 17” house, but this demanding? We’re starting to see our resident poker player do way more than we ever thought she would in order to ensure that if Liz stays in the house, she’s going to be okay with it in the end.
Ultimately, some of her crazy demands to Austin and Liz earlier regarding her vote to keep the latter include guarantees that Steve and John are the nominees in the event that one of them wins Head of Household, and that she is not evicted in the event where she is forced onto the block in some way. Also, if she’s in the final three with one of them, they have to take her to the end. Basically, Vanessa’s demand is “make sure I have a good chance to win the game.”
The thing that we find really funny about all of this is that nobody’s signing a contract in blood, and it is very likely that they could just go back on it when they feel like it later. Everyone is completely on to what she is doing at this point, and if she makes the final three, it won’t because of this deal.
One other funny thing from tonight is that no matter which one of the twins goes, they are claiming that they are planning to blow up Vanessa’s game on the way out by announcing her final two deals with everyone. We figure there’s a 20% chance of this actually happening, and it is hilarious if it does.
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