‘Halt and Catch Fire’ season 2 finale review: Mutiny goes west
Through most of “Halt and Catch Fire” season 2, we have seen multiple characters hang on by a thread. At the end of Sunday night’s season finale, that same thread was very close to snapping for a variety of different reasons.
For Donna and Gordon, the moment really came when everything was finally revealed about what happened during his trippy time in California, including the affair and the heated argument that led to him and the kids sleeping in a dumpy motel. Divorce was on the horizon, and the only way that she foresaw saving the marriage was going out to California (ironically), where they can start Mutiny anew with a better mainframe … and with most of his Cardiff money going into funding it. He also is putting most of his time now into the company, giving the two a sense of balance. This is their best chance at happiness, but right now we’re not sure if they are going to make it. She still has her own secret, after all…
One step that may be positive for Gordon is walking away from Joe, who seems to have his footing on a new scheme in virus protection. In the process, he is also heading to California. Seeing Joe infect and cure makes it very clear to us just what sort of man he has become as a result of the past two seasons. He was cutthroat before, but now he is truly not letting anything hold him back.
In the end, we’re heading west, and with a heck of a great crew. Cameron’s moving, Bosworth signing on, and we could have a season 3 that is completely different … if we even get a season 3. Maybe this is a fitting end to the series since most major stories are wrapped up, but we really cannot help but want more after what was a fantastic finale (even the music was tremendous). Grade: A.
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August 3, 2015 @ 10:44 am
I was cheering when Boz got on the plane.