‘The Leftovers’ season 2 premiere date revealed

Leftovers -You’ve waited long enough to learn a thing or two more in regards to “The Leftovers” season 2. Therefore, we are more than pleased to announce some big news today: The show is coming back on the air on Sunday, October 4 to HBO. To us, this seems about right, since you’re waiting at least past the first week of the fall season for major networks. Viewers can check those out, and then jump over if they don’t see anything that they like.

The story for season 2 is moving the setting all the way from Mapleton, New York to the fictional town of Jarvis, Texas, known in this world as a town with a rather large population, but also zero departures. HBO released a few other details today, and while we don’t want to give much away, we’ll at least give you the following:

1. Kevin Garvey and Nora Durst are once again going to be at the center of the story, and they will be heading down to Texas to start anew.

2. The Guilty Remnant are not gone from the story at all. They will continue to have a role, but in a different way.

3. There are a variety of new cast members appearing on the series, with Regina King (“Southland”) playing one of the most notable parts.

Hopefully, this premiere date means that there will be some sort of news regarding a new trailer at some point sooner rather than later. It would be nice to have at least something when it comes to this by the time we get to the finale of “True Detective.”

If you missed it, head over here to watch the already-released teaser clip for the second season of the show! Also, be sure to sign up here to get some other TV news on all we cover, sent right to you courtesy of our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: HBO.)

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