‘Game of Thrones’ season 6 spoilers: George R.R. Martin will not pen episode

Take a look -Remember the days when George R.R. Martin was writing an episode of “Game of Thrones” more or less every passing season? Those days already appear to be done.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the author of the A Song of Ice and Fire series has decided against penning an episode for the upcoming sixth season of the show, opting instead to place more of his focus on something that he feels is significantly more important: Doing everything that he can in order to finish the upcoming sixth book of the series entitled The Winds of Winter. Martin has gone so far already as to cancel many public appearances in order to have more time to finish the book, and also has turned down many interviews.

Clearly, Martin does feel pressure to get the book out there and ensure that it is great. If we were to say anything else, we would be pretending. This is even more so now that we have reached the point where the story on the show has more or less caught up with where we are at the moment in the books.

Who knows? Maybe Martin will write an episode for season 7, given that the odds of his seventh book coming out before the show releases that season are almost slim to none. Given that this could be the final season on HBO, we may just have to come to accept the possibility that the story of Sansa, Tyrion, and everyone in Westeros could be over on the small screen before it is in the pages.

Want to get some other news related to “Game of Thrones”? Then just be sure to visit the link here for some teases regarding the final episodes of season 5! Also, you can sign up right away if you are curious in getting some other TV updates on everything we cover, sent right in your direction via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: HBO.)

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