‘Big Brother Canada 3’ interview: Willow MacDonald on bond with Sarah, sudden eviction, more


Willow -We made it no secret even before “Big Brother Canada” premiered that we really thought Willow MacDonald was a great player. She was our preseason pick to win, and someone who we felt was sociable, likable, and also understood how to play the game. She was very under-the-radar and seemed at times to be in trouble, but it was ironically right before her sudden eviction during the Triple Eviction show where it seemed like she had it figured out and was in a great spot. She was the one person we thought for sure would survive the night, and we were 100% wrong on that.

It’s sad to see Willow out, but when we finally had the chance to speak with her one-on-one Friday it was a nice reminder of why we picked her in the first place. She had a lot of information about the game, and even without a whole lot of help has seemed to figure out for the most part why Brittnee targeted her.

CarterMatt – You’ve been in jury for a week, so let’s go ahead and start with this: How has that time treated you?

Willow – The plan obviously was to make it to final three, so coming here I was bitter, super-sad. The first few days were really hard because I didn’t have answers. It was really hard. I was only on the block for a few minutes.

It was good, though, to have Kevin, Bobby, Sindy, and JP here because I got a lot of information, and to be honest, jury is a great thing for an evicted houseguest. (Laughs.) It is a little bit like a big group discussion. It’s like a pow-wow. It’s a great way to hear their side of the story; everyone is laughing and everything is out in the open now. Just finding out more about alliances, what the plan was. It’s been good. Unfortunately your mind is occasionally like ‘I got out during triple eviction,’ which sucks, but jury is a positive thing for sure.

Was it better for you to go to jury in such a shocking and sudden way, or would you have preferred to know that it was coming?

We’ve talked about it this in jury, with be running out like a bandit because of how devastated I was. I [felt] that at soon as my butt touched those couches in the house, I was going to be going home. I just told myself ‘don’t go on the block’ because I know so much about this game and how emotional it was for me. So once I see that someone is coming after me, and they don’t have a good reason, I take it as a personal attack, which I shouldn’t [do].

It does make me feel a little better that I went out on a twist or a triple-eviction. There is nothing that I could have done, but I do wish it was coming because I wanted closure. The biggest thing is that I didn’t get to say goodbye; I’m regretting not saying goodbye to Sarah; I didn’t know who voted me out and I wish I got to sit down and figure out what happened, where Bobby and Sindy knew that it was a unanimous vote, and they don’t know what happened. I’m completely in the dark. I need closure, for sure! I wish it was the full week because I could have campaigned, then Sarah could have helped me campaign, and I could have been able to deal with it.

If you had a little more time to campaign for your life in the game, what would you have said?

I don’t know what you guys know or didn’t see. I ran into the pantry, and it was Bruno, Zach, and Godfrey. I was bawling my eyes out because my alliance member just put me up. I was like ‘you know I am loyal, there is no girls’ alliance,’ and I just reassured them and asked ‘do I have your vote,’ and pretty much begging them and telling them that I had always been loyal to them. Godfrey straight-up was like ‘I don’t know if you are going to come after me.’ Bruno told me straight-up ‘we’re keeping you.’ When he said that [I thought] ‘that was easy, their minds are set.’ I didn’t think I was going to have to campaign to Sarah … Yeah, I definitely wish that I had a little more time to campaign. Four minutes on the block, blindsided, I don’t know what’s going on … Even if I just had half an hour to sit these people down and ask ‘what’s going on,’ I [was in] hysterics. No one’s making logical decisions in that moment. I could have backed up my whole game to them, and no one would have taken it into consideration because their brain is not there.

It’s hard to explain to a fan or someone outside the game, but I blacked out, to be honest. I don’t know what happened! I can’t tell you what happened in those four minutes. I remembered begging on my hands and knees, and then being out there talking to Arisa.

As a player in the BB Canada house, do you have to prepare yourself at almost every turn for one twist or the other?

In coming in as a superfan, I was trying to figure out all of the twists, and of the things each week. I knew that it was going to be a crazy ten weeks, and I was trying to prepare myself for the worst. I said it could be a triple, I said it couple be a quadruple, I said that someone could be coming into the house. I was just trying to prepare myself for the worst because I was thinking of how to cover all my bases. You need to prepare for the worst.  You need to have your social game on point, win power when you need to, and do everything strategically. Everything you do effects your game. You make yourself a sandwich in the morning, that effects your game! You need to prepare, prepare, prepare. Zach told it to me to ‘think everyday that you’re going home,’ and that is how you have to prepare.

Some people did play it like ‘if it happens, it happens,’ and that maybe benefits them, but for me I needed to be in defense mode, and make sure my bases are covered. The one thing that you can never do is be like ‘there are no twists this week.’

Why do you think that Brittnee targeted you specifically?

That’s another thing that has been eating me alive! I have a lot of theories, and people have been coming in. Bruno just got here. I thought when B put me up, my first thought was that she thought everyone was going to vote to keep me because I had Zach, I had Bruno, [and more]. I thought she wasn’t really thinking, and she did say ‘you’re safe.’

Then, I started to really think, and I clued in that she saw me getting so close to Sarah. I didn’t talk too much game to her, because I did not want to tell everybody my gameplan, only just Sarah. I think she was like ‘I really can’t beat this girl.’ She would always say ‘you’re really strong, you’re really athletic,’ and I think [she thought she couldn’t beat me]. I wasn’t coming after her, though. She put me up for two reasons: I don’t think she thought I was going home, but she thought ‘if Willow goes home, it’s not the worst thing.’

Do you miss Sarah even more now that you’ve spent some time away from her?

I miss that girl SO SO much. It’s hard. I miss everyone in that house; Sarah and I like every night, even if we were Haves or Have-Nots, we would like cuddle in bed and go to sleep. That girl I spent all my time with, I knew everything about her and she knew everything about me. It’s really lonely and sad, to be honest. I miss her so much, but it’s good. This is a good weaning process because ‘Big Brother’ can’t be forever, but I miss that girl like crazy.

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