‘NCIS’ season 13 spoilers: Is Mark Harmon’s future set in stone?
We have already spoke at least a little about the events of tonight’s “NCIS” finale, but we now do have to start thinking a little about the upcoming 13th season and the status of someone in Mark Harmon who has been very important to the show for a long time.
Is he going to be back? We cannot give you official word one way or another (that’s why this is a cliffhanger, folks), but we would assume for now that he will be. Harmon makes great money from the show, he is the face of it, and is extremely popular with many of the show’s older fans. What the shooting in the finale does remind us, though, is that eventually we could see a situation where Gibbs does pass the torch to DiNozzo or someone else and takes a little bit of a different role in the team that is more out of the front lines. It would keep him on the show, but maybe give him a little more time to do some other things. He is a producer, after all, on “NCIS: New Orleans.”
What we will say here is that we don’t think there were any contractual issues; also, we’re pretty sure that Harmon would love to remain a part of the show. This was just a chance to deliver a really shocking ending, and one that will keep people talking all summer.
As per usual, we anticipate that the 13th season of “NCIS” is probably going to premiere at some point in September. We’ll have some other news related to the subject as we get a little bit closer to the date. Stay tuned.
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June 22, 2015 @ 2:25 am
In My opinion and frankly the only one I care about right now: Jethro Leroy Gibbs more commonly known as Mark Harmon is the father figure, best friend, # 1 agent and the smartest damn one of the bunch and I can PROMISE you that if you screw with him or kill him off it will be the biggest freaking mistake you have ever made. I am a single white female fan who loves this show and enjoys NCIS New Orleans.The core of NCIS is the feeling of love, respect and genuine family which is at the core and that is Gibbs! Period! Abbie, Ducky, DiNizzo and McGee ask them. Just because things have been on a long time doesn’t mean you need to start with the death nell and there are a lot of we adults who would appreciate it if you would stop trying to get rid of our favorites. the one thing I would really like to see is McGee get more respect and opportunity to shine. Tony is cool but he has had a long run and McGee is always the good guy who stands back. Would love to see that change. Otherwise–Leave my show the hell alone!!! Thank you
June 2, 2015 @ 2:27 pm
I hope Mark Harmon stay a little longer with the group! He is one of the reasons that I watch Ncis! I just found out that he is also on of the producers in the other show, Ncis New Orleans, which I did not know! Since he has not yet signed his contract who knows :-0. I read that he still wants to be apart of this team but maybe a little bit more behind the scenes. The show returns sometime in September so guess we will just have to wait!!!! :((
May 15, 2015 @ 8:50 pm
Mark Harmon/Gibbs is the heart and soul of NCIS. The show will fade away rather quickly if he calls it quits! He must return. I would enjoy seeing MH in other things but I’m afraid if he retires we won’t see him at all — he will work on his producing and just be behind the scenes. Mark talks about the test of longevity in the business — therefore I chose to believe he will return in September.
May 13, 2015 @ 1:24 am
No Harmon = No NCIS! For him it’s not about the $, it’s about the people. He wouldn’t let NCIS down because of Nola.
May 15, 2015 @ 8:50 pm
I totally agree. The $$$ is not his motivation.