‘Big Brother Canada 3’ review: Maids and mayhem
Tonight, “Big Brother Canada” was really brought to you by The Brick, even more so than almost any other episode of the show. We understand that the native advertising helps to fund the show, but it does seem like a ton lately given that we’ve had full challenges brought to you by OxiClean, KFC, and The Brick, plus mentions of the food products in the diary room and so much more. Maybe it is not any worse than any other
1. It was strange to learn that Kevin was actually never really targeting Bruno as much as Bobby, mostly because the live feeds for the most part did a good job of making us think that it was Bruno who was his target.
2. Yes, the show did the whole French maid segment, and it was just as weird and wacky as you probably thought that it was going to be. The only real part of it we loved was Godfrey reveling in telling them what to do.
3. Bobby is not really putting up too big of a fight leading into his elimination, but what we wonder right now is this: Will Zach lose trust in him over all this, and potentially want to work with him beyond the upcoming triple eviction?
You knew already how the story was going to end tonight, and that was with Kevin leaving his nominations of Bobby and Brittnee the same. This was a pretty slow-moving and predictable hour throughout, mostly with Kevin continuing to get a mastermind edit even though he did keep some things from his alliance until the last minute. Grade: C.
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