‘Big Brother Canada 3’ review: Bruno the dancing bear + our big surprise
So was Zach kicking himself thoroughly on “Big Brother Canada” for what happened to Jordan? Strangely, we did not see enough regret from him for our liking. Did he not understand that he made a terrible move? He probably did, but not seem altogether interested in admitting to it fully.
The real drama of the blindside was subdued slightly by what happened afterwards, and that was Pilar convincingly winning Head of Household. We’ll give her some credit here, since she actually did the work in this picture-scramble task to deserve it. She did not just win because everyone else was sending people out of the game. To be fair, though, Bruno (who rocked out in a bear costume during the Have / Have-Not Competition), Bobby, and Kevin were all throwing it … so the field was a little bit weak.
What we saw the rest of the episode was not entirely that interesting, since it told us a whole lot of what we already know: Pilar is a weaker Head of Household in that she tends to be easily influenced, Sindy is an absolutely terrible social player even though we admire her competitive spirit, and somehow both Bruno and Sarah remain incredible at keeping themselves safe despite not always being on the right side of the numbers. These are the two people that the Diaper Alliance really need to be afraid of.
In the end, Pilar does put both Sindy and Godfrey on the block, making what is probably the right move for her. It’s not a terrible one for her by any means, but to be fair nobody in the house will be targeting her next week. Instead, it will mostly be Zach and Kevin who find themselves staring in the face of danger.
Other than a brutal Have / Have-Not Competition anchored by giant bubbles (and Bruno the Bear), this is probably not an episode to be remembered. Grade: B-.
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