‘Big Brother Canada 3’ review: Did Zach just ruin his own game?
There is a thing know as HoHitis that has become woven into the fabric of “Big Brother Canada,” and on Monday night’s episode, Zach developed a case of it so severe, he may as well start preparing to admit himself to a local hospital. He’s almost gone from having every ally in the game to having almost no allies at all.
First things first, let’s talk his alienation of the Chop Shop. While he ended up not nominating either Bruno or Bobby, his initial nominations were enough to make it clear to Bruno that he was at least a backdoor target at one point. He still has Ashleigh, and who knows what in the world Willow is going to do with herself? She’s been a ghost on the show lately. It also hurts him that Sindy went and exposed the Chop Shop completely to Sarah, while at the same Jordan informed Kevin completely about everything that was going on with the alliance, as well.
By basically not making a move on Bruno or Bobby, what Jordan learned through all of this is that Zach is more loyal to the Chop Shop in a way, so he’s now lost him as a #1 ally. Meanwhile, Sarah’s newfound knowledge causes her to want to distance herself from him even more.
Also, Godfrey’s speech at the Veto Ceremony was magnificent in making it clear that Jordan was Zach’s top ally. Therefore, everyone has even more reason to want to vote Jordan out over him. This may not happen, but it is at least being seriously considered. Gotta love the entertainment value here even if it does not lead to anything big happening.
In the end, a terrible week for Zach, and by far the best episode of the season for us. After all, we learned that Godfrey would throw his own cat under the bus to get further in the game! Grade: A-.
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