‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Was the Power of Veto used?
What a chaotic weekend this has been on “Big Brother Canada.” At one point before Sindy returned to the game it appeared that Head of Household Zach was planning to make a big move and backdoor Bruno this week. Would he have made enemies? Sure, but he also would have picked a side.
Instead, somewhere between winning the Veto Friday and Saturday he seemed to get the idea into his head that he wanted to play it a little safer, and in the Veto Ceremony Sunday, he decided to not use the power. Our guess is that he was willing to make a move, provided that he was not getting all the blood on his hands. He could not do that so much anymore, so he decided to just leave Godfrey and Jordan up there while making some apparently-epic speech about it’s Godfrey’s time to leave the game.
Let’s be real here: This has been a terrible week for Zach, and we don’t think that it is that far out of the realm of possibility that Jordan could be sent home on Wednesday night. There are nine people voting, and if Bruno and Bobby can convince Willow, Sarah, and Brittnee to team up with them, they can destroy the Newport alliance. Bruno knows that there is something going on there, and Brittnee and Bobby are already close. Meanwhile, Willow is a part of the Chop Shop. Sarah is the only person who is the real question mark, since Bruno put her on the block. We feel like there is some flexibility there with Brittnee. We’re assuming that Sindy’s relationship with Jordan will keep her trying to evict Godfrey. Meanwhile, Ashleigh, Kevin, and by association to Kevin Pilar are all close to Zach. (Update: Sindy did just tell Sarah that she wants to keep Godfrey, so maybe we’re wrong.)
Ultimately, we just have to remember that there are a few days still to go, and we’re admittedly torn on this. We actually knew who Jordan was the moment we interviews him preseason, and the part of us that wants to root for superfans wants to root for him. However, the part of us that wants to root for chaos in the game is pulling for Godfrey, just to make it so that the Bromuda Triangle and their showmances do not have an easy time getting to the end.
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