‘NCIS’ season 12 spoilers: Could someone die during finale?
We said yesterday when discussing the guest-starring turn of Mimi Rogers during the final episodes of “NCIS” that we were hoping for something powerful and emotional to close off this season. As it turns out, it looks already like we may be getting exactly what we asked for … at least to a certain extent. We did not expect the possibility of a character dying before things came to a close.
Friday, CBS unveiled the official synopsis for “Neverland,” the May 12 finale that should conclude the cyber-terrorism arc that involves the recruitment of teenagers into a deal organization. While it is not confirmed that someone will be dying in the episode, we are certainly afraid anytime we hear the words “emotional and surprising loss” mentioned. Take a look below:
“NCIS feverishly investigates a global terrorist group that is recruiting teens via the Internet, following a deadly bombing overseas that results in an emotional and surprising loss for the team.”
We can also confirm now that Rogers is playing a CIA officer, which is not the most revealing casting news in the world, but it does at least let us know that this is going to be a conflict large enough that it spans multiple different branches of the government and law enforcement. That in itself is a pretty big deal, and clearly this case will test the team like no others.
Ultimately, there are a variety of characters who could be killed off; after all, it’s always possible that any of the regulars could head overseas before the bombing happens.
Do you think that we will see a character death during this episode? Share with a comment, and head over here to get some other updates on this season! Also, sign up now to acquire some other scoop on everything we cover, courtesy of our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)
May 12, 2015 @ 11:10 am
Okay, so someone here mentioned Ned Dorneget suddenly being brought back to the show…and as a computer whiz no less. I don’t think this is a coincidence when paired with the news that a “beloved character” is being killed off or eliminated in this season’s finale tonight. So although I initially thought it has to be dear old Ducky that’s leaving, I’ve revised my guess and here it is: McGee will be leaving and Dorneget will be taking his place as a computer/internet/hacking guru.. So what do you guys think?
May 2, 2015 @ 7:47 pm
Could it be either Dorneget or Tobias Fornel? Joe Spano, who plays Fornel didn’t look to good in the episodes he has been it this season, I hope he is OK, he is an integral part of the show.
May 1, 2015 @ 11:17 pm
I personal a so tired of season finales. I watch the show because I love the people and there cases. and if they kill of 1 more person I think I am done. They wouldn’t pay Ziva what Tony made so she left. Now they are moving Tony to NCIS LA that is such bull.
April 22, 2015 @ 3:35 am
Does anyone know what the story is on Marina Sirtis (Orli Elbaz) no longer appearing on the NCIS finale? I can’t imagine what kind of changes GG is making if the guest casting is still so uncertain. He is writing it himself so I wonder if even he knows how it all is going to turn out.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 22, 2015 @ 8:29 pm
No idea. I’m assuming they had a story for the finale in mind and decided to change their minds so they no longer needed Orli. The finale is being filmed this week, I guess so…we should be hearing more details about it as the coming weeks and final episodes grow closer. I’m more interested in the hold up of Season 13. We should of known about it in Feb but no later than March. That’s all very odd to me.
Grey D
April 22, 2015 @ 12:57 am
Sorry I’m posting a lot, but I was thinking about this for about 2 months now;
What if they have decided to end the show.
How would they think to do it.
Me. Well;
I’d kill Gibbs in this season finale.
Then all next season would be the team hunting, chasing, and fighting those responsible. One story arc for the entire season.
Ziva, upon hearing the news, returns to help find Gibbs killer(s) and in the process her and Tony reunite and become a couple.
At the end, Tony and Ziva leave NCIS for a life together and jobs in the private sector.
McGee is promoted to team leader, and is given Gibbs desk and his own team.
Ducky retires, leaving Jimmy the medical examiner.
Abby stays as Abby is. Some things never change.
Vance is promoted to Secretary of the Navy.
Bishop leaves NCIS and returns to NSA.
April 23, 2015 @ 3:25 pm
I think you might have come up with the scenario that would stop me watching, because too much of what I love about the show would be gone, leaving too much of what I don’t like about it.
Grey D
April 23, 2015 @ 3:49 pm
Well, the point is it would be the last case and last season.
Knowing that, the majority of fans would stay to see the case wrap up, plus many of those that left would return to see who killed Gibbs, how he died, and why.
Plus as it is the final season, fans would watch to see what closure is given to those characters they connected with.
Grey D
April 22, 2015 @ 12:39 am
If the show is continuing for more seasons, then they’re probably going to kill off Ziva.
It would make most sense.
Killing Gibbs or Tony ends the show.
Killing McGee, while I would enjoy it, would turn a lot of fans off as some seem to like him.
Killing Bishop this quickly would make story lines going forward to difficult due to the emotional cost to the remaining team.
Killing off Ziva brings the emotional impact, as well as giving closure to the Tiva romance and story lines.
It gives the team the motivation required to complete the case while giving Weatherly an opportunity to show his acting ability.
Plus it puts a finality to De Pablo’s exit and ends return rumours permanently.
April 21, 2015 @ 4:07 am
I’m a fan of NCIS since it was introduced on JAG. I was 13 years old then. I never miss an episode. My parents, my younger siblings, my older siblings and me watch every episode. We’re all huge fans. The show means family for us.
What honestly frustrates me is the Bishop-hating thing. When she joined, people said she was being written as too smart and so on. Now people say she’s being written too dumb, adds nothing to the team and so on. As far as I’m informed, she’s a probie. She has to learn how to do investigations and all that. And she is in fact the first one who is willing to learn. She looks up to both, Tony and McGee. She respects and admires both of them, especially Tony. Neither Kate nor Ziva ever did that. And McGee too occasionally.
Personally, I like the mostly drama free episodes. The focus is on the team and how they work together. And the personal aspects are very well, too in my humble opinion. It’s nice to see Tony being treated with respect by the woman he dates. It’s nice to see McGee having a serious relationship. It’s nice to have a married and fully grounded woman who’s not interested in putting the others down.
As for the finale, I hope it won’t be Delilah or Fornell. They all get along very well with Delilah and it would be a loss for the entire team. Same with Fornell. I will wait and see what happens.
I will also continue to hope that those “fake” fans who wish for the show to end just because one Lady decided to go for other things in life and left the show. It’s an ensemble show. In my opinion, regardless of any favorites, but if someone can stop watching or being a fan of an ensemble show such as NCIS because of one actress/character then I don’t think this person has ever been a true fan of the NCIS itself.
April 21, 2015 @ 1:50 pm
L Silvaxx what frustrates me is the way some people focus their comments on other posters instead of the show or characters. Not every fan has the same opinion of the show which is what makes these boards interesting. I have no problem with differing opinions because it helps to see another prospective. However some posters persist in labeling and name calling other commenters as “fake fans” and if they do not like Bishop they must be Ziva idiots. As for me and my comments on dropping ratings, it is upsetting to me to see a show that was my number one show change and not for the better. Yes fans are leaving and the demo is dropping because they too don’t like the changes. Despite the changes in viewing habits it is still true that the show is losing millions of fans. Commenting on this is not wishing for the show to fail. It is simply expressing frustration that those in charge do not seem to care. Something to think about..just because someone does not agree with your opinion does not make them “fake fans”. We would all like to see the show succeed and that doesn’t seem to be happening. Just my humble opinion.
April 21, 2015 @ 4:23 pm
From your comments I don’t have the feeling you want the show to succeed without Cote/Ziva. There’s a bunch of people who dislike the show now only because of Ziva not being there. I was actually referring to those people but if the shoe fits for you, take it. And you’re not better than me if you’re honest. You are arguing with people over their opinon and that’s ok because it’s you? I did a post about the show and how the situation in the fandom is. I’m free to express my opinion just like you and everyone else. So leave it at that and don’t bother me again. I have zero interest in talking to you. Thank you.
April 21, 2015 @ 4:36 pm
L Silvaxx no need for you to “talk” to me again. You are entitled to your opinion. You seem to relish making nasty comments to others on this board so this is my swan song as far as you are concerned. But in parting, in my opinion you are extremely rude an unreasonable. It is madness to try to reason with the unreasonable (L Silvaxx) so let me get off that train and continue to comment on the show which is what this board is for.
Sandi Brooks
April 20, 2015 @ 9:36 pm
Wonder how significant it is that Marina Sirtis is reprising her Orli role in the last epidode? Mossad back, and for a end of season cliffie? That’s why she’s missing part of some Star Trek fandom event.
April 20, 2015 @ 10:24 pm
I would like to hear theories on why Orli is back. Mossad storylines left with Ziva’s exit. The only thing I can come up with is it is personal and it is about Ziva. GG also said that familar faces would return in the next to the last episode that would make fans very happy. The last time he mentioned this it was just flashbacks of previous characters. Also Muse Watson said he had some good news but could not share it. Do you think we will get a ghostly appearance by Mike Franks?
April 20, 2015 @ 6:50 pm
Significant loss for who, a character or the Fans?? If it’s the fans, Dorneget or Vance. If it’s the show than possibly Jake. But the title of the episode is Neverland, Peter Pan the boy that never grew up…it dang better not be Tony or Tony’s dad. Good grief hope nothing happening to Jimmy and his family. That’s would be a significant and shocking loss.
April 20, 2015 @ 1:50 am
Wish SLs (and cliffhangers) were more complex and suspenseful rather than trying to get more viewers by killing off characters: Shannon, Kelly, female mechanic from boot camp, Paula, Mace, Jenny, Mike, Cade, Diane, Vance’s wife, Ziva’s father, and Kate
April 20, 2015 @ 1:12 am
Matt Jones is not on enough. Maybe Bishop or her husband. Zoe is not that important. Ziva haters get readyy she will be back at some point . The writers and producers have to mix it up look what happened in Covert Affairs. That was awesome and Nic Bishop w as awesome. On to a new adventure. NCIS is an old horse . The time has come to retire. Happens to everyone and everything.
April 20, 2015 @ 12:36 am
Since this is about teenagers, I am sensing Isis or an Isis version of TV land, and a be-heading. Not too much more atrocious than that.
April 20, 2015 @ 12:34 am
Ned Dorneget, no other reason for him to be in these eps.
Susan Schumm
April 19, 2015 @ 10:04 pm
I had thought of Stan Burley. I hope not. I would miss his character. Also hope it will not be Ned Dorneget. Love him too. Don’t think the Ned character ever had a chance to come into his own even though he tried very hard. I cannot think of any character that I would want to see lost. So at this point I will prepare to be sad and I will wait for hopefully a good story.
April 19, 2015 @ 9:25 pm
They didn’t say someone would be killed. They said there would be a surprising and emotional loss. Someone could just be leaving or confirmed they are never coming back. I vote for Ziva either way. Then we a stop talking about her! Thought of Dorneget, too. Liked him, but they never ran with the character. Jake was a good idea, too. Maybe Delilah will go back to Dubai. Many ideas…
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 20, 2015 @ 2:08 am
I’m sure it means death. It’s the only thing Glasberg knows how to do these days. LOL
Lisa Liscoumb
April 20, 2015 @ 1:58 pm
He’s not the only one. Shane Brennan was the one responsible for Shiva, where it was teased for weeks that someone was going to die in order to bolster sagging ratings at the time.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 20, 2015 @ 7:10 pm
Yeah, and we lost Jackie and Eli. Good point. lol
Sandi Brooks
April 20, 2015 @ 9:15 pm
Yup, yet another woman killed off in that one. Jackie.
April 20, 2015 @ 7:08 pm
IF TPTB keep to type…it will by percentages be female.
April 19, 2015 @ 4:28 pm
From TV Guide “At the end of the penultimate episode,
something pretty atrocious happens and we lose someone very close to us in the
process,” executive producer Gary Glasberg teases. “It’s a pretty
surprising ending and a pretty disturbing ending … that I don’t think anybody’s
going to see coming.” The second-to-last episode will also bring about the
return of “some very familiar faces that will make our fans very
happy,” Glasberg hints. Hmm…
April 19, 2015 @ 3:29 pm
Does anyone think that they would kill Ziva off? I never would have thought they would kill Diane and Mike Franks off but they did. I liked Kevin the IT guy (in small doses) although he wasn’t seen much and thought it was kind of a stereotype that they had him selling out US info to terrorists. Just didn’t fit the character. We’ll just have to wait and see. Spring is here; time to go outside ans smell the roses and leave TPTB to their shenanigans.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 19, 2015 @ 9:46 pm
I was thinking that was possible too. It might stop fans from asking for Ziva back but then again, a hell of a lot of fans would stop watching all together. How would the show truly win if they killed her off?? I’ve talked to others and they’ve said that the only reason they would agree to kill Ziva off is if this was going to be their last season. The demo ratings, and the viewership wouldn’t matter all that much if that was the case but then someone told me that they still like to go off the air with high ratings and I don’t see that happening if they kill Ziva off and decide to keep people like Bishop and Zoe. She’s not listed on the guest appearance list but everyone keeps saying they might be keeping it private, that they definitely wouldn’t list her on the guest appearances and MW said that if he did meet up with Ziva again it would be explosive?? LOL So, we will just have to see what happens. I’m still thinking Ned Dorneget because he doesn’t really need his role in NCIS anymore or Bishop’s husband because it might make things interesting for her character if she stays on next season.
Lisa Liscoumb
April 20, 2015 @ 1:55 pm
Doesn’t seem like smart marketing to keep a guest appearance by Cote de Pablo quiet – I would think they’d trumpet it from the heavens in hopes of luring back those fans who claim they quit watching. I mean look how much they tied her Dovekeepers publicity into the show – what does it benefit them not to say she’s coming back?
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 20, 2015 @ 7:16 pm
True. I’ve heard it both ways. Some say they would keep it private on purpose as a surprise and some have said that it would make no sense to do that because mentioning her or seeing her as a guest star would already arise people’s interest. I’m just not sure. I saw that Orli is going to be in the season finale. This could be very bad or very good for Ziva. Honestly…I just want some peace for Ziva. If this means she’s happy in Israel like GG had stated earlier this year or this means that she’s the one we will lose…I just want to hear something regarding her whereabouts or what her fate is going to be. MW did say that if he were to meet her again, it would be explosive?? LOL We will have to see what happens.
liz laughlin
April 21, 2015 @ 6:12 pm
Explosive? Does that mean they are going to blow her up. I think he said there would be fireworks.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 21, 2015 @ 9:34 pm
But he also said he would be meeting with her again and it would be explosive. Now I know the writers have been pretty evil but I don’t think they would bring Ziva back into Tony’s life just to have Tony see her blown up right in front of him. LOL Cote would never come back for that reason either. Her last interview she had said she wanted more time to wrap up her character but she never got it and there was always hope for Tiva so…if she isn’t ever going to come back then they will have to kill her off screen or write her storyline as her being happy in Israel like GG had stated was a possibility earlier this year.
April 22, 2015 @ 2:12 pm
Yes, Glasberg has said that. But what if Cote doesn’t come back? From what I have heard and read, she wants romantic to happen. And I’m not sure if the writers would actually do that. Mainly because NCIS is a crime show (I for one don’t understand why Cote signed up for a crime show if all she wanted was to do something romantical, she has said that multiple times over the years) and that’s what she wants. I think at some point the writers have to do something – either kill Ziva off or say where she is. There have been negotiations with Cote about a return lately, that’s obvious since many people with connections have hinted and some even said that. If those ended up with no result it seems more likely that we won’t see Ziva again so there is something they need to do at some point.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 22, 2015 @ 8:21 pm
That’s personally all I want. If Cote does end up making guest appearances and that is all she wants, then that would be great. If they can work it out to have her be in a relationship with Tony but not be over the top romantic, that would be great too. Yes, it has been hinted and talked about a lot more lately and maybe since we haven’t heard about Season 13 being renewed is because they are working these things out. If they don’t plan on having her return the please, just give us closure with her story. GG has stated that it’s very possible that Ziva is in Israel and is making a good life for herself. If that’s true than great. I will be happy with that. If they plan on killing her off to shut her fans up and it that case, I think season 13 will be their last then…yes, I will be upset but at least we won’t be constantly wondering about her anymore. She could be with her family again and all her grief, guilt, and pain she has been carrying with her all these years would go away and she would be at peace.
liz laughlin
April 21, 2015 @ 5:59 pm
That is the first thing that came to my mind. We had Kill Ari parts 1 and 2, now we could have Kill Ziva I have detected some desperation in some of the things that TPTB have tried this season. Finally mentioning Ziva and Ari is one. The please love Bishop video was another. All of the teasing about. Ziva coming back from Weatherly and Glasberg. The recent Twitter scoldings from Pauley and Weatherly . They pretty much made it clear in the way they handled Ziva’s departure that they wanted her memory gone quickly and then changed course this season. Now with Orli coming back.it seems to point in the direction of killing off Ziva to shut up the complainers once and for all. That could be “an emotional and surprising loss for the team.” Well not really surprising and if you look at how the first loss was handled, not necessarily emotional. They could take ten minutes to mourn and then move on.
However, if I want to be cool and logical, the two characters that are most likely to be killed off are Ducky or Vance. David McCallum is now 81 years old and may just want to hang it up. Ducky is certainly one of the most beloved characters on the show. Except for some reaction to McCallum’s remarks about Cote de Pablo when she left, I don’t think that I’ve ever seen any negative posts about him. It would indeed be shocking to see him killed off.
We have seen very little of Vance this season–maybe six episodes.(He was seen early on NOLA) I’m suspicious that Rocky Carrol is up to something besides playing Vance.. It would definitely be shocking to see him killed off.
Dornie, although liked by many fans, is just not important enough to be a big shocker.. Someone posted that Emily Wickersham signed a contract for season 13. If that is true, she’s not the one. That leaves us with Fornell, Tony, Abby, Tim and the Big Guy. Abby, not likely that she’s killed. Pauley finally got third place billing after Michael and you would have to drag her off the lot. Fornell, possibly, Joe Spano is also getting older. Weatherly possibly, he formed his own production company. Maybe he is ready to move on. Tim, not likely. I think as a young father Sean is comfortable where he is. I think if they killed off the BIG Guy, the show would shut down. Oh, possibly Delilah or Zoe could take a bullet. Did I leave anyone out? Agent Boren, that would be surprising, or would it?
Lastly, Glasberg has been known to make misleading comments So, this could just be a tempest in a teapot.
Sandra Stephens
April 19, 2015 @ 3:11 pm
Could it be Tony’s dad [Robert Wagner]?
April 19, 2015 @ 3:22 pm
I would be equally upset if it is Tony’s Dad. Everybody loves him. But I think he’s safe as the bombing and the team loss happens overseas and Papa DiNozzo is now in DC.
April 19, 2015 @ 8:13 pm
Tony’s dad will be tragically killed that wil bring back Ziva to reconfort Tony but he is involved with another women so…..
Lisa Liscoumb
April 20, 2015 @ 1:50 pm
Ah, yes, the “Days of our Ziva” soap opera plot…
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 20, 2015 @ 7:41 pm
People have said that want Ziva to come home with Tony’s child with her. LOL I’m just not into that idea. That sounds very fanfiction or very soap opera. I just don’t see that happening. ;)
liz laughlin
April 21, 2015 @ 6:17 pm
Probably not going to happen but what if they killed Ziva off and then Tony get’s notified that he has an almost 2 year old son living in Israel? Tell me that Tony raising a son or daughter would not be interesting.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 21, 2015 @ 9:27 pm
It would be but only if they want to make this more of a soap opera. lol I’m not fond of this idea because mainly it makes Ziva look horrible. I don’t think Ziva would keep her son or daughter away from Tony and I don’t think she would never tell him he had a son or daughter. That’s too fanfiction. The possibility of Ziva being killed of is always there but for Tony to find out that he had a son or daughter with Ziva all this time and she never told him…I don’t see that happening. ;)
liz laughlin
April 21, 2015 @ 6:14 pm
Possible. Probably better than what TPTB could think up.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 20, 2015 @ 7:39 pm
Although we have already seen Senior twice this season, the loss could happen in DC while the team is overseas, working on the case. RW is in his 80’s and I’ve read how some people want him as a series regular. I don’t think that’s going to happen at his age. Him being killed off sounds more likely. Jake is also a possibility. It says a loss for the team but it also says that Gibbs has become close with Jake which makes him vulnerable to be killed off, just for that reason. I’m just saying that just because they lose someone while overseas, doesn’t mean it isn’t someone from back home.
Sandi Brooks
April 20, 2015 @ 9:10 pm
Nah. Last years finale was a Team member Dad death. Two years running? Don’t think so. Not Tony either, as they may still want to dangle the Tiva carrot next year for a rating bump.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 21, 2015 @ 12:29 am
I was just thinking that last year we got a “Gibbs” centered finale because Jackson died but now we’re getting another one?? I know this is “The Gibbs Show” but a finale could be centered on someone else for a change, an episode could be centered on someone else for a change. I was actually hoping on a Tony centered finale this year because he was supposed to get one last year before the actor that played Gibbs dad died so they didn’t focus on Tony, they focused on Gibbs and his dads relationship. I do respect that but I just get the feeling that the good episodes featuring Tony on behind MW now. I do feel like he’s being punished on this show somehow and it makes me sad for him.
liz laughlin
April 21, 2015 @ 6:00 pm
I didn’t think of Senior, yes it could.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 18, 2015 @ 9:43 pm
I’m thinking it would probably be Ned Dorneget since Matt Jones does “Moms” and he doesn’t seem to need his part in NCIS anymore. Lets face it, he hasn’t made an appearance on the show for 3 seasons so this might be them getting rid of him for good. Him or Bishops husband. He’s made an appearance going on 3 times this season but it’s still early enough to kill him off. EW hasn’t signed on for season 13 yet so it could be her but Ziva…I was afraid of that too but I still think they need the constant tease of her return to bring in viewers and it’s also possible for her to make some guest appearances in season 13 so she is probably in the clear. It’s possible that it’s someone we haven’t even thought up yet but Stan Burley could be a possibility as well. Who knows?? We will just have to wait and see but I’m definitely thinking it’s going to be Dorneget. :(
April 18, 2015 @ 9:51 pm
I didn’t even think about Jake. That is a possibility.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 18, 2015 @ 9:54 pm
Bishop losing her husband could really stir things up for Bishop if she returns next season. I guess it could turn sweet Bishop into somewhat of a jaded, grieving Bishop. Just a thought because some people keep saying that they want to see Bishop have a dark side. Well, I didn’t by it on last Tuesday’s episode, along with many others but if they are going to keep pushing Bishop than they might pull something like this to try and make her more interesting. Again, just a theory.
April 20, 2015 @ 6:51 pm
Bishop’s husband has barely been seen or is a major loss character.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 20, 2015 @ 7:47 pm
True, it did say that him and Gibbs have become close and that would make things interesting between Bishop and Gibbs if they both lost him. We’ve seen him 3 times this season and I think they’ve all taken a liking to him so it could be considered a major loss. I’m still thinking Ned Dorneget because he’s been on the show since season 9, I believe but hasn’t been seen since Season 10. He’s on the show “Moms” now and maybe he doesn’t care to return to NCIS. Just a couple theory’s.
April 21, 2015 @ 4:48 pm
It would be okay if it is Dorneget although I really like him. It just seems too easy for it to be him. There is some emotional connection but don’t see it as having a major impact on the team like it did when Kate died. Are there any rumors about any of the main cast leaving the show? There was a rumor about MW leaving but Sean Murray said Tony is not being written out. No new episode this week so we will have to wait until next week to see the beginning of the 3 ep arc to the shocking conclusion of Season 12. lol
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 22, 2015 @ 1:28 am
No, MW is signed on for another year and I think the rest of them are too. I heard EW is working on the show for Season 13 but she didn’t really say she we be back as a series regular. Some are hoping it’s just occasionally because her contract hasn’t been made official yet. These are just her words. Mark Harmon hasn’t signed on for Season 13 yet either but people always assume he will. We haven’t heard anything official about Season 13 being renewed yet which is pretty odd. We should of known two months ago or no later than March. I think contracts are still be worked out IMO. What that will mean for Season 13…I have no idea.
April 22, 2015 @ 1:59 am
I agree and don’t think the NCIS show renewal announcement has ever come out this late. Years ago all kinds of spoilers would have been leaked by now but they have gotten really good at not spilling the beans. The cast renewals tend to drag on sometimes but I read an article that Mark Harmon announces his contract renewal early so the rest of the cast will be assured. But we will know for sure around May 12th as that is when they have the CBS upfronts. Also they may be holding everything back as not to spoil the season finale. If we see that someone’s contract hasn’t been renewed that would give away the emotionally disturbing surprise. lol
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 22, 2015 @ 9:25 pm
EW has said she would be working on the show for Season 13 but I just don’t know if it will be as a series regular or not. That hasn’t been confirmed yet. I have a big feeling Mark Harmon will sign and that Season 13 will be renewed. I’m just wondering what the hold up is. We should of known two months ago typically and it’s cutting it close. I know there’s still time, I’m just curious about the details of next season. They might be thinking it will take away from the apparent big cliff hanger finale we are supposed to get getting but it’s just not something they usually make us wait for. That’s all I’m saying. Plus, they might still be working out certain contracts or possible other details for next season. I’m just getting curious like many others are at this point. ;)
April 24, 2015 @ 10:37 pm
While I agree that it’s doubtful that MW will be the one leaving, I also doubt very seriously that SM has the authority to confirm such show details. BTW, it is McGee and Dornie who go overseas where the bomb blast occurs. An gee, apparently some networks ignore contracts in favor of a good story- see the death of Dr. McDreamy who signed a two- year contract extension last year. I don’t watch that show, so I am not affected either way. Just saying contracts are for the network probably and not for the show? Don’t forget MW is trying to build his production company. I think it would be perfectly plausible to Tony to leave since MW still has a meaty contract with lots of options. Sean Murray? Not so sure about him. His death would certainly be more shocking than Dornie’s. Maybe that’s why he’s been showcased so much this season, a last hurrah.
April 24, 2015 @ 11:17 pm
Interesting theory. I am still hoping that GG’s big shocking moment will be a dud and no more of our favorites will get killed off.
April 19, 2015 @ 9:25 am
NCIS doesn’t tease anyone with a possible Ziva return. They’re being diplomatic. Obviously, after the flop of The Dovekeepers it’s Cote who desperately needs the fame of NCIS. Besides that, Ziva is the worst character this show ever had.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 19, 2015 @ 9:40 pm
Apparently, soo many agree with you. LOL Um, they’ve teased Ziva’s return for the last two years now so don’t say they don’t bank of the possibility of her return. Ziva was the worst character ever?? Look at the ratings when she was on this show. They definitely weren’t the lowest they ever had like this season has been. It’s been a crappy season for them, demo wise and the demo’s have continued to worsen these past 3 or 4 episodes so go ahead and hate on Ziva but she helped the show truly stay #1, she didn’t make it worse.
April 21, 2015 @ 4:11 am
I heard 23 Million watched her episode right? What happened in the following week? Did all those 23 Million people tuned in again to see her? Nope. She couldn’t carry most of her storylines, especially the heavy ones. It was proved again with “The Dovekeepers”.
liz laughlin
April 21, 2015 @ 6:53 pm
The problem with the Dovekeepers is it was a crappy adaptation of the book. Did you read the book? Probably not. Did you watch the show?…I’m guessing that is another no. When I read it, I thought that it would make a good mini series and the character Shirah would be a good one for CdP. But when I watched the miniseries, I was shocked at how bad the adaptation was done. It was abysmal. One reviewer said that both Cote de Pablo and Rachel Brosnahan did the best they could with a bad script. People have asked why Cote bought into this show. An even bigger question is why CBS bought into it. Did they not read the script before buying it from Roma Downey and Mark Burnette? Did they expect it would be a draw because of Cote de Pablo no matter what? I think there is enough blame to go around on the Dovekeepers.
April 21, 2015 @ 7:10 pm
I did read the book and I watched the show for Cote and I was disappointed in HER and the adaption. Sam Neil was the only who could shine a tiny bit in my opinion.
liz laughlin
April 22, 2015 @ 4:59 am
I didn’t like his Flavius Josephus thing. I thought the whole courtroom thing was artificial and silly. It wasn’t in the book–in fact Josephus wasn’t in the book at all. There was so much wrong with the screen play that I’m befuddled as to how it ever made it to the screen. The whole thing was a lousy cut and paste job.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 21, 2015 @ 9:20 pm
Um, the demo ratings were not dropping like this when Ziva was on the show. That’s for sure. Her storylines were some of the most interesting parts of the show. The Israeli’s always kept you watching and apparently, they are bringing them back in the finale. Maybe they finally realized that those people brought in a lot of viewers and watchable storylines. You are obviously not a fan of Ziva so I won’t be talking civil to you and FYI, I have plenty of decent debates with people that weren’t fond of Ziva, you are just a nasty person. As for “The Dovekeepers”, I don’t think a two night mini series, two hours a night was meant to blow people out of the water. I personally like Sam Neil but Cote de Pablo acted great in it.
April 22, 2015 @ 2:01 pm
The show is in its 12th season, there could be thousands of reason as for why the demo ratings are dropping. It doesn’t automatically mean it’s because of Ziva not being there. There are many people who stopped watching the show because the situation in the fandom has carried them away. I’m not nasty. I used to like Ziva and love Cote de Pablo but I’ve been disappointed by her and most of her fanbase and yes, that has had effect on my view and opinion.
I for one never liked the Israeli’s storylines because it always felt like a deja vu and that bores me. It was always the same. Her father, Ziva and some of their people. It wasn’t interesting to me and there are people who felt the same. And actually yes, The Dovekeepers was supposed to blow away people’s mind and it failed because of the adaption and the actors not being a good fit in my opinion. The way you continue to reply to people with a different opinion is just as rude as I am according to you. Goodbye
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 22, 2015 @ 9:14 pm
Ok…I can take back the nasty and agree with you that the fans can be overzealous. I am a Ziva/Cote fan but I tend to stay cool and neutral with everyone. Again, maybe I judged you too quick. The demo ratings are plummeting with every passing episode but we can always disagree on the reasons for it and I never meant to imply that it’s just because Ziva isn’t on the show anymore. To me, the Israeli storylines were always interesting because they were a tricky bunch of people but loved that about them. “The Dovekeepers” was not everyone’s cup of tea and lots of people were disappointed in the sex and violence in it. That was a lot like the ways things were during that time, though. I just loved Cote de Pablo’s passion in it. I’ve always loved her passion even if this wasn’t what people were expecting.
former watcher
April 20, 2015 @ 12:42 pm
I disagree I quit watching because bishop is such a terrible actor and she ruint the show
April 20, 2015 @ 5:34 pm
You’re funny. You quit watching the show because of Bishop, I got that. But you keep checking Spoilers and such of a show you quit watching because you don’t like one character?
Also, this show is more than one character. If you can easily give up a show like NCIS because of one character then you’ve never been a fan anyways.
April 20, 2015 @ 6:53 pm
Maybe true Kate but the writing of Bishop’s character and the interaction of the Bishop’s character with the others, and how shallow the others have been written since the additional (force fed) of Bishop…has ruined the show for many of us.
liz laughlin
April 21, 2015 @ 6:38 pm
I’m glad you said that. I happen to think that Ziva was the most brilliant character that Donald P. Bellisario ever created and he created a lot of great characters. Creating fascinating and lovable characters was his gift to television. Ziva was complex in a way that made most other TV characters look flat, like a cartoon. Gibbs loved her lke a daughter, Tony as a friend and perhaps a lover, McGee Iike an older sister I think it is telling that of all of the Hebrew names he could have given his heroine, Ziva means “brilliant.” Because Bellisario was so careful about the details, I don’t think that was an accident.
Lisa Liscoumb
April 20, 2015 @ 1:47 pm
EW confirmed in her Facebook chat that she would be back for season 13. I’m hoping it’s not Jake as one of the many things I like about Ellie Bishop is that she’s married so there’s no trying to push a romance between her and any of her teammates. Could be Dorney – they’ve mentioned him a couple of times this season, and he’s coming back as a guest star, but I hope not.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 20, 2015 @ 7:21 pm
Yeah, I noticed EW said she would be working on the show for Season 13. I don’t hate Bishop but I think she’s done very little to help the show. It would suck if we lost Dorneget but I’m just thinking that since he ‘s on Moms and we haven’t seen him in 3 years, he’s vulnerable to be killed off. I was also thinking Ziva is a possibility and Orli is in the finale , Jake, Bishops husband is also possible and that would be an interesting turn for Bishop and they did state that him and Gibbs have become very close so that would be interesting, or it could be someone that we didn’t even see coming. There’s lots of characters we haven’t thought up yet that are close with the team so we will have to see what happens.
April 20, 2015 @ 8:54 pm
So they would bring Ziva back just to kill her angering several million more fans? I think a lot of fans can’t understand why the folks at NCIS have not heard the fan complaints and dislike of Bishop. Or a better observation is that they seem to have zero desire to fix the things that fans are unhappy with. I know it is an old show but the changes that they have made have not improved the show at all and worse have caused a large number of fans to turn the channel. I watch most episodes on demand now instead of live because I just don’t care about the new setup. They may have made the decision that they are done with the show so they can do whatever they want dismissing years of fan loyalty. I think that is what upsets people the most…the total disregard of fans.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 21, 2015 @ 12:35 am
They do seem to not care. They could always kill Ziva off screen and not have Cote de Pablo make and appearance and FYI, she wouldn’t make an appearance if it meant to kill off Ziva. Still, the viewership isn’t what is used to be, the demo ratings are definitely plummeting, people still complain about Bishop, Tony goes unnoticed now days, McGee is becoming more of the SFA, and Abby hasn’t matured or done anything significant sense she made contact with her biological brother. The show just isn’t what it used to be. Sadly…I give this show one more season. :(
liz laughlin
April 21, 2015 @ 6:26 pm
I’ve thought that, too. If they kill Ziva off screen, they don’t owe Cote a dime.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 22, 2015 @ 1:20 am
Yeah, I don’t think they would owe Cote money for killing off her character. LOL
liz laughlin
April 21, 2015 @ 6:24 pm
They tried in the last episode to have Gibbs finally deal with Bishop’s problems. That may have been a one time thing and now back to business as usual. But at least there is an acknowledgement of what fans have complained about.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 22, 2015 @ 1:18 am
Yeah, but that episode that tried to convince us more to like Bishop was a massive fail. It may have convinced some fans but many still aren’t and it lead to the lowest episode in demo ratings ever. They need to quit changing things in her. That’s the thing about Bishop, they keep subtracting and adding to the character to fit our approval. Some just don’t care for her and don’t think she’s a good agent. They need to leave well enough alone.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 22, 2015 @ 1:15 am
Orli won’t be back now, I guess. The actress that plays Orli confirmed it on Twitter. I wish NCIS would make up their minds.
April 18, 2015 @ 9:00 pm
As long as Ziva doesn’t come back to ruin the show again and as long as no main character dies I think I could handle the finale. I would totally love for Ziva to be killed off without having to appear. That would be perfect because then all the “will Ziva come back” drama will be over and the cast wouldn’t have to deal with Cote again.
Lisa Liscoumb
April 20, 2015 @ 1:53 pm
The problem is – and the more fervent Ziva fans have already said this – if she’s killed off screen some fans won’t believe she’s dead. It’ll be seen as a fake, that she was “killed” to put her in protective custody or, my favourite, she’s gone undercover to protect the team as she’s been doing all along for the past two years.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 21, 2015 @ 12:48 am
I’m a Ziva fan, I will admit that but if they killed her off, I think I would be forced to except it. It would make me sad but I don’t think I would buy into the protective custody or undercover to protect the team. I have a creative mind and they did convince people that Tony was dead for a while in “Bury Your Dead” and they had people convinced that Ziva was dead in “Truth and Consequences” (great episode) so you can’t say it hasn’t been done. LOL
April 18, 2015 @ 6:09 pm
I wonder if TPTB understand how hard it is for me to lose complex, interesting and well-liked characters like Mike Franks, Ziva, etc and still watch the show with them missing. And then to make things worse and more painful try to make up for the losses by adding in weak characters like Bishop, Zoe, etc and a parade of guest stars and illogical SLs? Cliffhanger deaths are being overdone. There are other ways to ways to make you anticipate the new fall season.
April 18, 2015 @ 9:36 pm
Totally agree. Apparently the only way to make a suspenseful episode is to kill someone off. Yep I could anticipate Season 13 if they bring Ziva back.
liz laughlin
April 21, 2015 @ 7:09 pm
I’m with you on that, Pascal
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 22, 2015 @ 1:36 am
Personally, if we lose another beloved character (Ziva) I probably won’t be watching anymore. Yes, I see the point in doing this so millions of fans would stop asking for Ziva back but I think even more than that will stop watching and it would be even more proof that this show has gotten this bad. Lets face it…who’s really going to turn in for Season 13 knowing we lost a huge part of the show in Ziva?? Ned Dorneget, I understand. We all love him but his loss wouldn’t be that MAJOR or Jake for that matter. There’s many others that could be considered a devastating loss that I haven’t even mentioned yet but as of right now…I don’t even want to keep thinking about it.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 22, 2015 @ 1:38 am
And yes, I think GG has gotten to comfortable with killing characters off when he could go another direction. That’s his idea of creativity but it’s gotten soo predictable.
liz laughlin
April 22, 2015 @ 3:53 pm
I’ve wondered if Pascal is your name or if you are a fan of Blaise Pascal, the 17th century mathematician, theologian and philosopher.
April 18, 2015 @ 5:51 pm
Please not a regular! I would not miss Zoe but also don’t want to see her killed. I would just love a great Mark a Harmon finale and a bit of a cliffhanger. I actually loved last year’s non cliffhanger ending. If and when the show ends I hope that Gibbs is not killed, whether now or five years down the road. I’d rather see him sailing off in the sunset with a beautiful redhead!
April 19, 2015 @ 4:02 am
I just hope it’s not another Gibbs finale. Gibbs seems to be the only character who gets much focus except of course for McGee, which is another big yawn. What has happened to Tony? He doesn’t do anything anymore. Are they really going to kill yet another recurring character for ratings?
April 18, 2015 @ 5:34 pm
Hope they don’t kill off Gibbs, Tony, McGee, Ziva or Abby…..my personal opinion, I don’t have a liking for Zoe, Ellie or Vance.
Sherrie Gibbs
April 19, 2015 @ 8:01 pm
Gibbs gets killed off I will cry BC he is awesome n then that will end the series forever
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 20, 2015 @ 2:13 am
I don’t think that will ever happen. This is the “Gibbs show” LOL It might involve him pretty intensely though. I don’t think he has signed on for season 13 yet but the show would not exist if Gibbs wasn’t on it anymore and that’s the truth. I’m not his biggest fan and haven’t been for a couple of years now but he’s the main character. It would be hard to have the show without him.
April 20, 2015 @ 11:43 am
Every episode and arc that has any drama is all about Gibbs. I’m so tired of seeing all the juicy acting opportunities go to Harmon. He’s an alright actor and all, but I’ve seen absolutely all of his tricks multiple times. Enough already. I used to love the character and now I’m just sick of him. I would love for this arc to allow Michael Weatherly an opportunity to shine with some drama and suspense. So far this season he’s been either insignificant or used for comedy in some B or C plot. They are really squandering his talent while showing us Gibbs or McGee over and over and over and over again in the compelling moments and important stories. They don’t seem to care that the demo is slipping. Rather than changing the McGibbs snoozefest they’re evidently going to kill off yet another recurring character. I just don’t get it. They just don’t seem very creative at all or else the writers hands are tied.
April 20, 2015 @ 5:35 pm
Sadtonyfan, you’re annoying. You keep posting the same thing on every single Spoiler site. We got it. Stop acting like that finally.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 21, 2015 @ 12:50 am
Everyone has a right to their opinion. You have yours.
April 20, 2015 @ 7:03 pm
WHAT are you watching. Far for Gibbs….it’s all Bishop.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 20, 2015 @ 7:26 pm
As much as I used to love Gibbs, I’m pretty damn sick that the show stays soo focused on him now. I heard it will still be a “Gibbs” centered finale. Not surprised by this. We might have different views on why the demo’s are slipping but they are slipping. Last week’s episode was an all time low for demo’s and it just so happened to feature Bishop in that episode. They don’t seem to care about the demo’s plummeting and the viewer’s complaints, for that matter. What it will take for them to see that this is not good for Season 13 and what they will do to change things, I do not know anymore. If Season 13 does end up being their last, they might do very little to change things around. We should hear about the renewals this week for next week and see what changes have been made. Hopefully some good one’s. Oh, and don’t even get me started on how they’ve treated Tony/MW this season. We all agree that’s it’s been pretty bad. :(
April 21, 2015 @ 4:14 am
It’s an ensemble show with Gibbs being the main character. Like it or not. We have had many Tony stuff this season with his dad and girlfriend. Tony is one hell of an agent, he doesn’t need to shine as an agent. For Tony, it’s mostly about the growth of him as a person. That’s a lot more interesting. Gibbs doesn’t want to change much. His job is all he has. Different characters my dear.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 21, 2015 @ 9:11 pm
Tony and his girlfriend and dad this season is something to laugh about. Did you read the comments on Zoe Keates?? No one is liking her. Personally, I have nothing against her as an agent but she does not fit very well with Tony as a love interest. That’s very obvious. Tony has been given a very weak storyline with laughable episodes this season. It depends on how you view Tony but he was much more honorable as a character and an agent in past season’s. He’s gotten soo weak last year and now this year and he’s basically used to make Gibbs, McGee, and now Bishop look good. Glasberg has failed this show as a writer. He doesn’t seem to care about the characters development anymore or what the fans want. The show may be viewed pretty high compared to some other shows but the demo ratings have plummeted all season and they keep going down so that will have a real impact next season. Oh, you don’t have to bother responding to me either because I think all we will do is argue. LOL Nice talking to ya. ;)
April 22, 2015 @ 2:07 pm
Glasberg is the showrunner, not the writer. They have writers for the show and it’s not Glasberg as far as I’m informed but I could be wrong. In the past 12 years we have seen Tony being a great and amazing agent but his personal life and personality haven’t been that good. Maybe Zoe won’t be the one for him but as of right now, she seems to have a good influence on him since he is finally trying to keep a relationship serious. I think it’s a great character growth. He was used too many times and feared the thoughts of trusting someone. I’m not fond of Zoe either but she does something good for Tony’s personal life right now. Maybe he will find the one later, or maybe it will be Ziva although I wouldn’t like it personally but that’s not the point. He would never be able to have a realtionship with Ziva if he wouldn’t be where he is with Zoe now. I do think the writers could actually try a different road with Tony and his dad. Tony has always been one of the characters that was next to Gibbs and Ziva very present. Now it’s McGee’s time and I don’t think it’s unfair. I would love for the writers to focus more on the “supporting” characters like Jimmy, Ducky and Abby. And I don’t think that Gibbs is always being presented as the good superhero.
liz laughlin
April 22, 2015 @ 4:27 pm
Yes Gary Glasberg is the showrunner but he started out as a writer when Shane Brennan was the showrunner. He took over as showrunner in season 9. He usually writes the first and last episodes but also some in between. He wrote 4 episodes in season 7, 5 in season 8, 5 in season 9, 3 in season 10 and 4 in season 11. He has a long list of credits writing for various TV dramas. If the character, Bishop, seemed a bit comedic or “flat,” especially at first, it could be because Glasberg started as a writer for animated shows such as the Rugrats. They used to give him credit for his early cartoon shows but now you have to search for that tidbit. Perhaps Glasberg would like to leave that part of his past behind.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 22, 2015 @ 8:08 pm
Wow, I can’t believe how civil this turned out. Yes, I agree that a relationship will always show growth for Tony. That was not my issue and my issue is not Zoe either. All I said was it didn’t seem like viewers were taking a liking to Zoe and that’s painfully obvious. I have a feeling that Zoe won’t be the one but GG was making a point that Tony could be in a relationship and it could make him a better man. If he gets to finally be in a relationship with Ziva then I would be on cloud 9 but if they write that their time has passed then I hope they find someone right for Tony. If it’s from someone from his past or someone completely new but Zoe goes as far back with Tony as 20 years so…I just want things to be resolved between Tony and Senior because he’s in his 80’s and he won’t be around forever. I will never be against other characters getting attention but I don’t like how it’s been making Tony look. It’s like Tony has to step aside or look stupid, childish, or jealous for McGee to shine and there’s no point in that kind of behavior at their age. That’s all I’m saying.
April 22, 2015 @ 2:40 pm
Do you think Gary Glasberg is having trouble writing the finale? Since Orli is no longer appearing maybe he changed directions in the script? He uses such fascinating adjectives to describe episodes and they turn out to be duds. Now he has to deliver. If he chooses wrong it could have NCIS going out on a lower note than it already is. They can cite older adults and viewing habits all they want but that won’t be the reason that the show tanks if they keep this up. The thing that baffles me is that if the fans can see that a few quick fixes and a return to common sense would possibly bring fans back to the show why can’t he? It makes me think his ego is bigger than his commitment to making the show as good as it possibly can be with little thought for the fans. It’s like he refuses to admit he made mistakes and keeps doggedly continuing in the wrong direction hoping things will somehow work out.. But the longer he travels this path the less chance they have to peak fans interest and return them to the fold..
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 22, 2015 @ 8:00 pm
I think the story has changed for the finale and that’s why Orli won’t be appearing. Glasberg does seem to not know what to do when it comes to writing and he can sound confident all he wants but that doesn’t hold out when the episode finally airs. Last year, we got an emotional finale because Gibbs Dad died and I was fine with that but it just seems like Glasberg gets too comfortable with killing characters off and he calls that a good cliff hanger. To me, another character dying will just be upsetting but it won’t continue to rattle me because I don’t have faith in this guy writing anything interesting or entertaining anymore. I shutter to think what they have in store for next season and if it’s anything like this year…I don’t know why they will even bother.
April 30, 2015 @ 7:36 pm
If Gibbs ever wanted to leave then I believe that would be the end of the series. He’s the leader and its his team. There would be no show without him. Even if they tried to do it without him I do not believe it would last.
April 18, 2015 @ 4:36 pm
Don’t kill off Ziva or Stan Burley. I used to look forward to the season finales but now more and more I just hope they don;t kill anyone else off as the fan favorites are the ones that seem to get dropped. It provides a momentary emotional response but it is immediately followed by fan backlash. Hope they play this smart.