‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: A chaotic night as instant eviction looms
Last night, we assumed that Head of Household Kevin was going to make a rather predictable move on “Big Brother Canada 3,” choosing to put up a combination of Naeha / Sarah so that the former would go home. This would, after all, but the move that would make the least amount of waves in the house.
However, things overnight started to turn the tide, and it really left us wondering one thing: Is it possible that someone like Graig or Bobby could really go home this week? Kevin does have enough information to know that he was the original target this week, which means that he may opt to at least put the pressure on one of the guys he wants responsible. The Chop Shop would a valuable member early in the game, and the flaw right now with what Graig, Willow, Bruno, and Ashleigh are doing seems to be that they are assuming that everyone else is just playing one gear. If there are two nominees plus the Head of Household, that means that there would be 11 people voting. If it was a Chop Shop member vs. Naeha, for example, they would have to hope that at least one person outside of their core alliance stuck with them to ensure Naeha left. This could put Jordan in a tricky position.
There are some rumors floating around about whether or not Kevin already made the nominees and can do nothing about them now, but since that’s not confirmed, we’re not really going to make any assumptions there. The one thing that we do get a sense of from the feeds is that this once-ordinary eviction may now be far more chaotic than we first assumed, and anyone who loves this game has to love this.
Today is going to be an interesting one in the house, given that the feeds are going to go down this afternoon until the Instant Eviction Sunday. Meanwhile, we’ll be back later with an interview with Sindy about her time in the game. You’ll be able to see all of that over at the link here.
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