ABC’s ‘Scandal’ season 4 spoilers: Bellamy Young on Mellie’s Presidential plans
Is it possible that Mellie really could become President at some point on “Scandal“? While it doesn’t appear to be in the cards in the show’s immediate future (Fitz just won his second term as President), this is at least something that she is starting to think about. This character has, by far, undergone the most radical transformation since the start of the season. She no longer has that terrible “Smelly Mellie” nickname; she’s got her life figured out, and she is starting to figure out where she stands, and what she could with a tremendous amount of power placed before her.
Of course, the idea of her going for this sort of office is not going to be met with enormous praise from everyone. As you would expect in this sort of situation, there is going to be opposition, and quite a bit of it, to the idea. This is something that Bellamy Young acknowledges for her character in a new interview with TV Guide, saying that almost everyone will chime in with some sort of opinion:
“She can’t go very far with the dream without very key people starting to know … The fun will be watching how people respond to her. Everybody has a different response as it starts to unfold, whether they support her or mock her or undermine her.”
As for whether or not Olivia Pope could try to come in and destroy everything, it feels almost as though the answer to that could surprise you:
“All I’ll say is, I think Mellie and Olivia would’ve been the best of friends if it weren’t for Fitz … They have so much in common, especially in that world. They’re so drawn to each other, but there’s such a chasm between them. But on some level, they do respect each other.”
It is not entirely clear at the moment just how much of this story will be a part of tonight’s new episode “The Lawn Chair,” given that an enormous part of the story is going to revolve around a situation that is going to ring very timely for many.
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